Woah, now its my turn to clutter up the Random Section with useless posts…
Okay, I had this strange dream this night, I dreamt I had a job making layouts, except the layouts we made out of steel and were as think as rails. Layouts for what? I don’t know, but we had 16 year olds, pimple faced, drive up in crappy souped-up 4 cylinders who bought them from us. Me and this other guy made them, like one we made looked like a “@” sign, some guy claiming to be the best designer took that one, all in all I felt that I was an Oompa Loompa, we even burst in to a song once… “Oompa Loompa lampdidum, we’ve got to make, layouts for your arse…”
Anyway… seemed strange to me… so right… and we never saw the money we made, it was payed ahead but we never got a dime…
Those who followed my adventures to this point already, know that I have a couple of clients (special Olympics) not returning my emails about past due payments… is this a sign?
*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Last night I dreamt I was barfing up green ooze that melted a sink :-\
explain that…
And I’m dead serious… **
Must have been some bad tequila :trout:
Ah! Money matters …
I say screw the e-mails man - pick up the phone and call the bastards who owe you. If possible, make personal visits and let them know you’re not fooling around. Tell em, if they owe you money, they’d better get those checkbooks out.
And I don’t just mean call them … I mean, call them at least 3 times a day. Talk to 3 different people on the phone, send 20 e-mails, make 2 or 3 trips a day if possible, send other people for you if they can go, and a horse head in their beds at night wouldn’t be a bad idea either.
Last week I survived an atomic explosion (don’t ask). When I came out of the house, everyone was dead, except this one guy that was just standing there, looking at me. He had no hair, and tatoos all over his body (he was standing in his boxers). Then I remember looking through a blurry window (I don’t remember if it was outside or not) and saw Nazi soldiers in the distance, yelling and running towards me… or us, the tatoo guy included.
That’s all I can remember, but it’s pretty weird anyway. :-\
*Originally posted by BadMagick *
**Must have been some bad tequila :trout:
Ah! Money matters …
I say screw the e-mails man - pick up the phone and call the bastards who owe you. If possible, make personal visits and let them know you’re not fooling around. Tell em, if they owe you money, they’d better get those checkbooks out.
And I don’t just mean call them … I mean, call them at least 3 times a day. Talk to 3 different people on the phone, send 20 e-mails, make 2 or 3 trips a day if possible, send other people for you if they can go, and a horse head in their beds at night wouldn’t be a bad idea either. **
lol… Sorry Badmagick… But that’s an easy way to have a harsassment case on his ***…
You have the right to call once per day to make your point across. You can only visit, I believe… 2-3 times per week… Anything more could be accounted for harassment if taken the way he wants to take it. Theoretically the company could have put you on Net Terms… Which means they can wait anywhere from 30 days to 6 months until they start to pay you… Because they have to work around the company to figure out what things go where and how things are established.
It was soo awesome, huge meteors came down thru the skies, and the seas drowned all the land, it was SUCH a cool dream…!
Not that the end of the world is cool, but I can remember the exact sight of huge fiery meteors hurdlin’ thru the atmosphere, a rain of them, it was unbelievable…!
Plus it is a real small island… You don’t want to finally get paid for this gig, only to get blacklisted from all others.
It is just part of being an Independent Designer. I’m waiting on checks today, that should have been to me a week before Christmas (Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard is bare)…
sometimes you gots lots of clients, and they pay well, and on time, others, you don’t…
*Originally posted by BadMagick *
**I don’t dream … is there something wrong with me? **
I thought there was something wrong with me as well Magick
There for about… 8 years I could not dream… or what i thoguht I wouldn’t dream… but apparantly they say you ca go insane if you do not dream every so often… I guess you just sleep in a state where your dreams are never remembered… It’s a possibility… So you may dream, just not know it
yeah unfortunately rev… I’ve got the same problem… Cept mine has been onto 2 months… It’s only $250… But I’d really like that right now… Know what I mean? lol
Thanks Marz… I’m glad I’m not the only person who’s ever had that problem.
Perhaps my life is so dull and boring that I just don’t seem to have any of those hopes/wishes/dreams and stuff Phat so elloquently explained… therefore no dreams?