Stream MP3 Legal?

I’m building my site.
And on the site I have a small mp3 player where you can stop,play songs. I was wondering if it’s illegal to do this?
I’ve streamed the mp3’s in e flash movie.


I think that if you own the songs (= you have them on albums you bought in a music store), it’s OK. I’m not 100% sure about this, but it makes sense. Don’t make them available for download though…

I didn’t buy the CD’s. I just downloaded the MP’3 from
So you would advice me not to play any mp3’s in my flash movie?
I’m not making the MP3’s avalaible for download, but onlt avalaible for listening.

don’t mean to rain on your parade but -

it is illegal to play or download any music that is not explicitly
owned by you or you have written permission to use. It doesn’t
matte whether you own the cd’s or not.

I know it sux, but it’s a copyright violation, even if you just want
to use the song as bg music. You would need to get permission
from the band or artist before you can use it.

actually, this point goes the same with photography and art as well.

That’s why I wasn’t sure. I sucks more then I thought.
Isn’t there an exception when modifying the song or music? You know, a remix or something?