Stuck .. Need your opinion please (career related)

So here’s my dilemma. I enjoy what I do here at my job—I create and design new car publications, as well as covers. However—I feel like I’m missing the boat and watching the creative world pass me by. I see all these exciting creative campaigns, and other designs being done by all sorts of various design firms etc. through-out the Twin Cities here. (I live and work in Minneapolis) I don’t want to become “comfortable” where I’m at and miss-out on job advancement opportunities.

I do freelance and branch out of print design with various web and interface mediums. I really enjoy that because it gives me a break from the norm of my day “print design” job.

“Well, Michael why don’t you start looking for other job opportunities?”

See that’s the thing, I want to, and there are plenty of jobs out there. AIGA-MN and craigslist have job openings weekly if not daily sometimes. So there is plenty of opportunity to seek jobs elsewhere. There’s even a firm I’ve been wanting to get into for a while that’s hiring a designer.

Also I’m only 3 years out of school. I know I can’t have everything here and now.

I was hired directly out of school. I was associate art director for two magazines at a publishing firm here in the cities. Due to budget cuts 25 people including myself got laid off after being there for close to 2 years. (i was the youngest on the design team)

After that I was hired at my current job—doing publication design. I will have been here for a year this coming June.

Should I stay and complete a full year? I don’t want to be known as a “job-jumper” or somebody who switches seats every couple of months, but if there are job oppurtunities that could further advance me up the “design” ladder in the Twin Cities area, shouldn’t I try and go for them?

Or wait it out? I know I can’t have everything all at once, or “now”. Hell like I said I’m only 3 years out of school, and I have the rest of my life to work. But if there are opportunities available, shouldn’t I go after them?

What do you guys think?