*Originally posted by rere420 *
**hey, I still have plenty of time to wimp out and trust me I just might do that… It is 14,000ft in the air and a perfectly good airplne.
Fester, I know I watched as you did it last time and I thought Wow, I can do that but that was a year ago, now I am scared again!!! **
I must have missed this post!
[size=5]<b>You have no time to whimp out!!!</b>[/size] I swear to Christ Marie I will throw you out of that bird without a chute if you wuss out.
Let us not forget we are going to be up in the woods too. Dont make me break out the machette
I was immortal until 28… I won’t go into why, but prior to that, I had no thought whatsoever to bodily harm to myself at all (abzoid will verify this)…
So I understand Fester’s state of mind, it may not happen to him until 35, but it will happen. It happens to everyone eventually (some it happens @ 80 when you break a hip trying to hop a train, but it will happen)…
and the way to prevent him from throwing you out w/o a 'chute, is to throw him out first…