Stupid Weather

I hear you…

Perhaps the reason for my outlook is that I am 23 and convinced the world revolves around me :beam:

BTW Replode…
That would be a blast… To bad we all live so far away.

We could however get a good team going in Boston.

We got me, lavaboy, golgi, rere420 and soon to be Kirupa in the fall. (anyone else I forgot?)



*Originally posted by rere420 *
**hey, I still have plenty of time to wimp out and trust me I just might do that… It is 14,000ft in the air and a perfectly good airplne.

Fester, I know I watched as you did it last time and I thought Wow, I can do that but that was a year ago, now I am scared again!!! **

I must have missed this post!

[size=5]<b>You have no time to whimp out!!!</b>[/size] I swear to Christ Marie I will throw you out of that bird without a chute if you wuss out.

Let us not forget we are going to be up in the woods too. Dont make me break out the machette

:evil: :evil: :evil:

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I hear you…

Perhaps the reason for my outlook is that I am 23 and convinced the world revolves around me :beam:**


I became “mortal” at 28… I wonder when it will happen to you…



There is a good chance that I wil not reach that point :beam:

I am consistantly testing my “immortality”

hey, my handle is 28, and im immortal… how strange

oh and by the way
sky diving is my number one thing i wanna do in my life… it looks like soooooooo much fun

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**There is a good chance that I wil not reach that point :beam:

I am consistantly testing my “immortality” **

So was I, believe me…

I’m constantly amazed I’m still on this planet…



Fester will never realize that he is a mortal, he constantly forgets that he is not superman and that he is invincible…

hence, why he would throw me out of the plane even with out the shoot–He’ll get me up there, I know it but, thats hwat scares me!!!

Like I said…

I was immortal until 28… I won’t go into why, but prior to that, I had no thought whatsoever to bodily harm to myself at all (abzoid will verify this)…

So I understand Fester’s state of mind, it may not happen to him until 35, but it will happen. It happens to everyone eventually (some it happens @ 80 when you break a hip trying to hop a train, but it will happen)…


and the way to prevent him from throwing you out w/o a 'chute, is to throw him out first…


thanks for the advice rev–i’ll keep that in mind!!!