Stupid Weather

I am supposed to go skydiving again this friday and its going to rain all weekend.

Ive actually convinced rere420 to jump from a plane at 14,000Ft

Even if it rains we should still have a good time.

You camp on the airstrip for the weekend burn huge bonfires play paintball and get silly drunk

That sounds like a ton of fun! That’s one thing I want to do before I die - go sky diving. I have a sort of fear of heights, if I know I am secure than I have no problem at all. But if I dont have anything holding me in there - I get real scared. That’s why I have to sky dive… get over my fear.

hey, I still have plenty of time to wimp out and trust me I just might do that… It is 14,000ft in the air and a perfectly good airplne.

Fester, I know I watched as you did it last time and I thought Wow, I can do that but that was a year ago, now I am scared again!!!

The weather really looks like crap, Fester you should think of something else for us to do in Lebanon Maine or that area if it is pouring out!!!

How about drink in the rain!

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**The weather really looks like crap, Fester you should think of something else for us to do in Lebanon Maine or that area if it is pouring out!!!

How about drink in the rain! **

Something else to do?!

As kit would say


Im going to have a cooler full of miller light and a tent pitched

If we cant jump…DRINK!

Dont you remember how chill everybody was that was there last year? Everybody was awsome.

I know!!! It rained then and we had an awesome time! As long as the tent doesnt turn in to the atlantic ocean like it did last year, we’ll have a ball-----still dont know if i am going to jump though

Pffffttt. :sure:

This weekend I’m playing 5 a-side footy, and that’s adventurous enough for me right now. :slight_smile:

I, myself see no reason to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft… But then again it sounds fun. Hope the day is nice for you all. :slight_smile:


what’s 5 a-side footy?

i like playing paintball. my friends and i have some good memories of paintball wars. havent played in a while, though.

the place Fester and I are going sky diving also has a paintball park, I have a feeling if it is not raining and we play, he is going to kick my arse and I will be covered in paint…

I’m going to sweden with my parent’s in law and my gf =)

going to throw a grill party with some of their friends from south-denmark!

it’s gonna be great, we hope :slight_smile: It’s waay out in the country in sweden, a few hours in car to get there I guess…


and yeah, I kinda want to try sky-diving before I die…

*Originally posted by prstudio *
**what’s 5 a-side footy? **
err… that would be football… with 5 per side :wink:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**err… that would be football… with 5 per side :wink: **

I think he means soccer :wink:

no, I mean football. you mean american football :stuck_out_tongue:


I said to a friend last night…

“I always said I would skydive before I die, but @ 41, it seems as though that becomes less and less likely.”

I mean, I have a real bad right knee, I’m not in the greatest shape, and prolly never will be tight (said like Goldmember)…

Getting old is being okay with the reality that some of your list won’t get done…



*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I said to a friend last night…

“I always said I would skydive before I die, but @ 41, it seems as though that becomes less and less likely.”

I mean, I have a real bad right knee, I’m not in the greatest shape, and prolly never will be tight (said like Goldmember)…

Getting old is being okay with the reality that some of your list won’t get done…


Rev **

Hey Bro,
bad knee or not you would be able without a problem. With the precision canopys they use for chutes today your landing is about the equivilant of jumping down off of a kitchen chair.

You should do it. I made a promise with myself I will have no regrets when I am an old man. I dont ever want to say “I should have done that when I had the chance”

I want to say “hells yeah! I did that and it was like this…”

i think we should begin The Annual Kirupa Forum Paintball Tournament. it’d be loads of fun, but i doubt it could happen. :frowning:


I have no regrets. I just haven’t had the chance, and at my age, the chances are getting farther apart. I just don’t let my youthful exhuberance cloud my vision. If it happens, I am willing, but I have to do a lot of research first.

I’m just saying I realize I won’t get to do everything on my list, and that’s okay. I’ve done a lot of things that weren’t on the list, and I’m still crossing stuff off…



that would be tight