I was told to submit my site personally. I hope you all like it.\r\rwww.ry-guy.com
I really like it a lot. Here’s something nice (and funny) too www.taobot.com/\r\rpom 0]
yeah pom, that’s a really awesome website!\rbtw, i’ve never seen yours!! do u have one right now? I’m sure you do and it’s great… what’s the link huh
Hey Hey,\rI’m glad you re-submitted your site Your site deserved it. How much time have you spent on the site? It seems like the site would’ve taken quite some time! You can choose to display a link that you won:\r\rwww.kirupa.com/about/linkus.htm\rwww.kirupa.com/gallery/awards.asp\r\rCheers!\rKirupa
Very creative site - ingenious concept.\rVery clean animations and carefully crafted sequences.\r\rimpressive!