Submit Here (5/23-5/30)

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for May 23-30, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by the end of Friday, May 30 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.

Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.

Only one submission per person per week.

Submissions are capped at 10 each week, so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.

Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.

  1. Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.

  2. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  3. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  4. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday of that week.

  5. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.

RennaisanceGirl and Mods

Hey everybody,

I recently signed up to kirupa and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Jorge Antonio. A designer for 6 years and counting from NYC. I’d like to submit my site for SOTW, here’s the url:


best wishes to everyone… :tie:



A french designer…
I don’t speak english, sorry…
e-mail :

héhé :beam:

I’ll try it once again, but this time with only one submission in a week :slight_smile:

hard competition, but i try anyway.
thanx again for good critisism in site check.


Mine’s a personal site which took a while to make.

GFX | Interactive

Good luck to the other competitors



[URL=] deleted due to ****ographic content // reverendflash

(I need hits so I can get a free domain) :toad:

[COLOR=red]disqualified: site has to be atleast 80% flash, please read the rules before submitting // electrongeek [/COLOR]

[edit]stickslayer, you had better have a good explaination about using sotw to promote an adult site… [/edit]

[edit]I removed the URL as well so that this person can’t use this forum to gain hits. //electrongeek[/edit]

[color=red][size=12]BANNED BY CONSENSUS[/size][/color]

edit; pj



The votes are in:

          **jorgeantonio        -      44.44%** 
        Yayashin V3.0        -       11.11%
  FastGoodReclame        -        0% 
            Net-Factors        -       11.11%
    GFX | Interactive        -       11.11%
              Pranalabs        -        0% 

The Hospital Boston - 0%

Congratulations to jorgeantonio for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Check back later as mod critiques will be posted later today.

Kirupa :beam:

jorge, hope you check this post out still, theres a nasty bug in your site, for some reason whenever i was looking at your portfolio it would flash through the first image (i.e. in photographs, it would flash the first picture) and if i clicked the second one, it would flash up with the second one, then go back to flashing the first one… cant believe no one picked up on this in sotw check? :stuck_out_tongue: good site apart from that

GRRRRRRR :scream: :skull: I clicked stickslayers link when everybody was around ! Immediatley hit the alarm buttons(ALT+F4 & WINDOWS+D). I wouldn’t like to experience that another time :angry: :scream:

*Originally posted by YoSHi *
**jorge, hope you check this post out still, theres a nasty bug in your site, for some reason whenever i was looking at your portfolio it would flash through the first image (i.e. in photographs, it would flash the first picture) and if i clicked the second one, it would flash up with the second one, then go back to flashing the first one… cant believe no one picked up on this in sotw check? :stuck_out_tongue: good site apart from that **
Actually, this happened to me when I visited the site for the first time (so I didn’t vote for it), but then disappeared, so the other mods and I assumed the bug had been fixed. Looks like we were wrong :-\

Jorge Antonio
-Wow, nice site! The design is great, the menu is clear, the transitions are very well done… Great work. // Edit: there seems to be a bug. I clicked Creative >> Underground Dance project Inc and the page started blinking. Actually, all the buttons do that

-Wow - I really like the site. The site is simple and the text clear and legible. The images are of good quality, and I like the time taken in adding nice details such as transparency while dragging, the menu highlight effect, and more. I wish there had been a Skip button for the intro - not that the intro was bad (it was excellent), I wanted a more direct way of accessing the main animation the 2nd and 3rd times I viewed it.

-This site is really nice, I like the design since it’s simple, but yet slick. The portfolio is really solid and visually appealing. The only problem I have with this site is the initial loading sequence, it’s a bit slow in my opinion. It would also be nice to have an option of skipping the mac intro and just go straight to the layout loading sequence. Other than that, the site is nicely put together.

-Simple and clean. Just a bit too empty, one win for contact, one for about(which doesn’t even close by itself), and the rest is portfolio…

-no skip intro button, takes too many clicks to get where you want to go.

-Great work. I disliked that there was no skip intro button. I liked the colors and transitions and the way everything was laid out. Everything is nice and simple. I didn’t experience the bug others did, but what I did find annoying was that the about windows and such didn’t close when other buttons were clicked, they were just kind of in the way until you closed it out.

-A beautiful introduction, with stunning graphics. I actually didn’t mind sitting through this, although a lot of users would probably like a “Skip Intro” button. Simple, clean and well laid out. Easy to follow navigation and quick loading times. I thought there was a lot of attention paid to detail here, in spite of the overall impression of simplicity. Great site.

-Impressive intro. I like the layout very much, and the artwork is great too. But the transitions lag on my computer, and they’re a bit too long.

-Nice colors and the line effects are great. I found the “hiding” of the mouse pointer when I moved it too much to be VERY annoying. The menu was a little bit confusing as well. Besides that, the site’s colors and graphics look very nice.

Fast Good Reclame
-Same as last week, I like it.

-Nice navigation - very relevare like; awesome! Nice and simple.

-Will they ever listen!!??!? I just critiuqed this site last week and non of my suggestions were even implimented. The menu text is still blurry and the site is still dull color wise. I’m done with this one.

-Nice navigation, simple, fast, but blurry text and ugly font.Where’s the “contact” section?? Do they wanna sell or not…

-took forever to get to the point where I could choose a subject.

-The font is blurry, especially in the navigation area. Well, the font choice in general doesn’t seem to fit well. And making it into a giant block of text provides no guidelines for the eyes so the eyes just wander when trying to read. The 4 images at the bottom of each section seem to be more of a “placeholder” to make it look like your site has more content then it really does, when in actuality your site doesn’t have much content besides a few small blocks of text and some images.

-I like the choice and mix of blues here, and again a very simple and clean looking site. The photo thumbs on the homepage are a bit misleading - I wanted to click them or rollover to see what happened. The menu is easy to use, but I found the font to be a bit blurred and unreadable. A very innovative way of moving between areas though, I particularly liked the transitions here.

Net Factor
-Won’t load

-This site isn’t too bad, it’s kinda clean, but that big empty grey spot below kills the design. I know that content loads into that section, but I think it could be utilized a lil bit better.

-We’ve seen that layout before, haven’t we? Very Adobe-like color-sheme, but I still liked it, fast, simple, easy browsing.

-I didn’t like the wobbly navigation. nice work tho

-Nice colors. That grey space at the bottom kind of drove me nuts, I think you have to big an area down there for what you put in there, considering you only use it for one section that I saw. I wasn’t too fond at how the animtion and game played automatically when I went to that section. You should give the viewer the option of when something like that starts.

-The three main colours work well together here, it’s very eyecatching. The big red area looks a little spartan though, especially as the graphic inside is fairly small. I was also perhaps confused by the three documents floating on this page - Done, In Progress and Empty - they moved when I rolled over, but I couldn’t click on them, they seemed redundant until I got inside the other areas and figured it out. Maybe a label for them, to show they’re a key? There seemed a lot of empty space here.

-Interesting. Definitely a novel approach - I liked the butterflies, and would have liked to be able to interact with them. It looked very good, but it took five minutes or so for the navigation to load, and I couldn’t see any way of cutting to the chase there. It was difficult to read the black text against the blue though.

-As stated already, splash pages in Flash aren’t a smart idea. Wow that intro was long. The button labels were very hard to read on that background. The transitions are a bit long as well, I often just got tired of waiting just to see a section. I didn’t really see the point of having a site that appears like it is supposed to be fancy/elogant, but in the transitions you shoot and smash the butterflies. Is this a site or a “duck hunt” style game?

-Interesting intro, even though I wondered for a while what was happening. The problem for me is the menu, it’s very hard to read.

-I like the site, the colors, and the music. You may want to add some contrast between the menu and the background. Besides that, I like this site.

-Another site with a flash splash page, I wonder what happens to the people who don’t have the flash plugin installed? Unless there’s a detection script, they would be staring at a blank screen for a while. Also the transition sequences between each section is a bit long so you might want to reduce it.

-It’s ok, but too similar to some other site I know, nice fx, but remove the “speed” option, just makes it look horrible! And make the text stand out a bit more, or make the whole thing bigger…

-the transitions were quite long, and did not work fluidly, which I think is extremely important for the feel of the site.

-award off center on main page still. enter button still goes to password only site. It is misleading. I don’t think this site was changed at all from last time.

Kirupa :rambo:

-Looks the same as last time, so my critique remains unchanged.

-Same as last time (I couldn’t see a difference).

-I don’t notice any difference since last entry for SOTW, so the same critique goes.

-Another site that didn’t bother to make any changes when suggested. The award is still hanging off to the side. No further comments.

-Nice and futuristic. As cool as the music loop was, I really wanted to find a way to mute it…but I couldn’t find it. There was a point where the same sound loop was called again and both loops starting colliding with each other and creating some horrible sounds. Besides that, the site is pretty cool.

-Very clean layout, the images are nice and the design is fresh. For a band website, I would expect to hear some music, unless it’s there and I totally missed it.

-Hate it, looks dirty, constant distracting animation, if you start the menu from the right, all the windows overlap and nothing can be read…didn’t even try to figure out what it’s about…

-didn’t like the lack of buttons on the scrollers. It works, but isn’t very easy. It also isn’t very deep. Lots of cool fluff, but only a couple sections.

-l Hate the splash, love the design of the site, but there’s not much to see inside, unfortunately.

-Very clean layout, the images are nice and the design is fresh. For a band website, I would expect to hear some music, unless it’s there and I totally missed it.

-Why is a site about music/bands called "the hospital"something…? It’s cool, loads fast, I didn’t find it very interesting/engaging tho…Also, the scrollbars are not functional enuff, I figured them out, some people might not even realize it’s scrollbars! (those grey lines that look like separators…)

-didn’t like the lack of buttons on the scrollers. It works, but isn’t very easy. It also isn’t very deep. Lots of cool fluff, but only a couple sections.

-I saw this in Site Check and made a comment along the lines of “evil full screen pop up”, so it’s very nice to see that there’s now a choice offered on the splash page of whether or not to open it. Thanks for pandering to my whims on that. Once inside I love the funky style of this, it’s got some great pictures in it, and the menu is clear. I had a few problems with the scrollbars though, they seemed awkward to get hold of sometimes.

-Why is a site about music/bands called "the hospital"something…? It’s cool, loads fast, I didn’t find it very interesting/engaging tho…Also, the scrollbars are not functional enuff, I figured them out, some people might not even realize it’s scrollbars! (those grey lines that look like separators…)

-Nice Photos. Thats about it. It took me a while to figure out that grey bar was actually a scrollbar and not a content margin. And when I figured out it was a scrollbar I had to rollOver each button to find out it was an up and down scrollbar (half and half), you really should define that better. ALso there is a bug with the scrollbar, you can’t click individually and have it go down, you have to click and hold. That can be annoying. There is virually no content besides some links to other bands and some show listings.

to critiques:

the hospital: bostons music infimary

it is not a band site, it is a database site, hence the play on words, lots of people, a hospital, lots of bands… get it? people submit bands and shows, thats how it works… maybe you missed the submit button?

-that would explain the straight forawrd content, and simplicity of it. also we get alot of hits so low bandwith is important.

-i like the scrollbars, i think there interesting, and i have certainly never seen it before.

thanks for the imput.