Super Late Submission

This one is just for fun.

Naughty boy. Stealing other people’s work is bad…

It’s a reproduction. Wasn’t stollen. I didn’t see you say squat about the guy that jacked the Matrix design.

All right, no problem :slight_smile: I guess it just means that you did a very good job then…

so supree, did you recreate all of the flash that’s on your site that you didn’t make and is credited to you too?

that footer is lame.

*Originally posted by liam *
**that footer is lame. **

You can go ahead and call 2advanced lame. :sigh: You all think that I stole 2advanced design and tried to get away with it, but no. I’d be crazy to think regular flash designers have never heard of 2advanced.

so whered you get that snake game for your website? i have a book that came with a cd and on the cd was a fla of that game.

*Originally posted by Supree *
**You can go ahead and call 2advanced lame. **

i was calling your footer lame, not 2advanced; although im not a 2A fan at all. since your footer is an exact copy of 2A, it must be cool right? no one’s ever seen that before. i was calling the footer lame because it doesn’t even have a purpose, it’s not even personal.

i’d be pretty proud to be such a good ripoff artist too. if only i could copy the work of others so well, i could stand to make alot of money…

:sigh: You all think that I stole 2advanced design and tried to get away with it, but no.

??? um, it sure looks to me like you did. ???

I’d be crazy to think regular flash designers have never heard of 2advanced.

where did i ever say that i hadn’t heard of them?

*Originally posted by zylum *
**so whered you get that snake game for your website? i have a book that came with a cd and on the cd was a fla of that game. **


*Originally posted by liam *
**i was calling the footer lame because it doesn’t even have a purpose, it’s not even personal. **

Purpose - to be a footer.
Personal - I like 2advanced.

All right everybody, this is enough.

i was about to say that pom:P hheheh

hey guys its a free world, supree likes 2advanced, thats cool, he did it on purpose i d say, he is well aware of everybody noticing on the first look that its from 2advanced. liam, may b he is just curious like all of us to know how 2advanced made that and stuff, he tried it out and it worked (i’d say they work on more at 60 frames per sec) and he felt like posting it, u just cannot label someone wid a tag of stealing, taking inspiration is a better word:P and it’s not like he’e posting it, just tht he likes 2advanced
so lets cool it n hold no grudges n stuff like tht

shud i ask u guys to shake hands:P heheh

yeah tell that to eric, i’m sure he’d agree that that’s inspiration.

so if it’s not stealing then, i’m curious to know how you got all the .swf’s on your site in the flash section.

they aren’t just linked to, they’re stored locally on your server. i’m pretty sure the guys over at wireframe (andries andendaal) wouldn’t just send you their file in an email or something. same goes with all those other files in the flash section.

i smell piracy.

I closed this thread, it was going to get moved if I didn’t…
