Just kidding
Have you tried eBay? One of my friends got a bunch of old Japanese games (which may have been for NES, or perhaps the original GameBoy, I can’t really remember) off of there last year. Aside from that, sorry, no other ideas.
Well I have to say I have been looking for it for you and I have not found it. I’m pretty shure you could, but it would take a good amount of time. Like everyone else said, you might as well just get All-Stars, I had it and it was the best game I had for SNES.
Lost Levels was tough for me when I played it 6 or 7 years ago. I hated those castles where you had to take the right path or risk suffering an…infinite loop!
i have a full arcade games program …called nestcles…something like that…is that the same NEC ur talking about? it has super mario bros 3, contra and a list of sooomany classic games…if anyone need that, u can contact me.I have windows 2000 in my office it runs there…but not at home, got xp here…so i dont know… hit and try