i’m rather confused. when i uploaded my swf file to my ftp, it said it was about 220kb, but when the preloader was going on, it said it was loading 410kb. is there a reason why it says the file size is significantly larger?
can you give a link to the swf?
and are you sure the numbers are different? or math isn’t wrong…
could be preloading multiple movies that you forgot about
sry not much help just kinda throughing things out
the swf is located here: http://sonmi.150m.com/labrabbit/
i just uploaded it again, and it said it was 224 kilobytes, but when i actually go to that site, it loads 421 kilobytes (and this is a preloader that actually tells the bytes loading, so i know the math isn’t wrong…
there is one movie that loads dynamically in it, but the point of that is so that it doesn’t load right away, isn’t it?
arg. this seems terribly large for a website. is there any easy way to decrease the size of it? i know i can compress the sound and images, but is there anything else?
i’d just like to know what usually are the largest source of file size inflaters in a flash movie? i assumed that because it dealt mainly with vectors that it wouldn’t be too much, or at least, not this much. i don’t use many actual images in the movies… does whatever happens to be in the library add to the final file size? i have many short movie clips in it, and the fla itself is around 16mb. blah.
What ever is in the Library should not be exported unless you give them a linkage, and the default is to export on the first frame…
any chance you can put a preloader on it with the size, right now its only percent, and even with that doens’t seem that big to me.
i put awhole bunch of different media into my site, but i’ve never had it grow in size after i do all the exporting.
try taking out what you don’t need to just test and see if that it, and go through to see if there is any linkage.
and if your running any video, i would sugest a program from http://www.sorenson.com/ to compress it, exspecially if you going from raw DV, its the best i’ve seen yet went from a 497MB quicktime file, to 20MB can has basicly same quality when running though flash
if you can’t figuer it out any chance i can see the fla?