Swf Resize and Fullscreen issues with Projector

Hey Senocular (and anyone else), I’d like some help implementing your SWFReader class:

I wouldn’t say I’m new to Flash, but I’m involved in my first major project designed from scratch. Essentially, I’m creating an AS3 projector application that acts much like a website, providing multiple pages that contain animations and presentations that a user (a marketing guy) can navigate, to inform and entice clients to purchase our products and services. Essentially, an interactive menu that stores video files and slideshows that clients view on a projector screen.

After days of searching forums and tutorials I have found your SWFReader class comes closest to what I’m looking to achieve, but I’d like help implementing it. I am loading an external swf, whose path is stored as XML data, into an AS3 class. I’d like to give this swf dimensions (width and height) to resize to, once loaded (or before loading-whatever works). I know the width and height properties can not be used to resize a swf format file, but it looks like I can achieve this by incorporating your SWFReader.as somehow. Is that right? I also know that I could start with a swf already in the correct dimensions, however I would like to be able to resize again (on CLICK of a custom button) to fit the resolution of the monitor on which this application is running. This may not be ideal because of the degraded image quality, but I think it is my only option. I say this because I am also struggling with fullscreen functionality too.

Basically, I’d like to toggle between fullscreen and normal mode in my entire application. And I’d also like to toggle between a normal mode and fullscreen ability in my FLVPLayback and my swf player. The FLVPlayback was designed to be able to perform this fullscreen toggle with its built in component. My swf player is not native to flash, so it takes a bit of a work around I think. My swf player is actually a converted file; powerpoint to swf, with the addition of a player/skin (made available through a third party sofware called PowerCONVERT by PresentationPro). It, like the FLVPlayback component, also has a “fullscreen” toggle button on the player skin, however this toggles the entire application state. So, say my application is in fullscreen, I’ve navigated to the Presentations menu, and want to view a swf presentation in fullscreen. I click on the player’s fullscreen button and the entire application changes from fullscreen to normal mode. Unless this is an html or javascript fix, I have decided to create a work-around that resizes the swf to the pixel dimensions of the current monitor. If you have a better solution, please let me know :slight_smile:

Sorry for the lengthy post.
I can also post some code, but if you can give me a grasp of which routes to take, I can do some tests and get back to you.

Thanks so much for your help in the day-to-day!