Swf size limits? whats your limits?

what are some guidelines for swf size and websites? whats too big?

Vague question but…

I don’t see any reason for an actual swf to be over 150 kb in size. You can always load images, sounds, etc dynamically.

You base or index movie should just be calling external objects to load into that movie. This way the user doesn’t have to wait 10 years to see something.

Heavy graphics are going to take sometime to load. I try to go with vector as much as possible to aviod this.

I hope you see why I said this question is pretty vague.

im just trying to get an idea of how big peope let their file sizes get before loading externally etc… any response is what i am going after. kind of an open discussion on file size i guess…

It really depends on the project I’d say.

For a portfolio site you really want to make sure people can fly through your site without too much waiting, esp an employer.

Of course if it’s a photography site the images may really take a while to load but the interface shouldn’t.

I’ll stick with my 150 kb before external images is a max.

I agree - 150k is a good general rule of thumb. However, consider your target demographic. If the site is for mainly designers / developers, you’re safe to go bigger as a majority of that demographic will be on faster connections, if its for post-50 year olds you might want to make is as small as possible.