Swift 3d V3 Tutorials

Hey everyone,
Are there any specific tutorials for Swift 3D V3 any of you are interested in seeing covered on the site? Most of the tutorials currently on the site will be revised for Swift 3D V3, but new tutorial ideas are always welcome :slight_smile:

Kirupa C:-)

i’d like some basic tutorials!!!

like you know the beginner ones which use the most basic functions.

so how bout something like a spinning circle with words spinning around it or something get what i mean?

gotcha :slight_smile:

Hey Kirupa I am pretty good with v3 let me know what i can do to support the efforts for some tutorials

I’d love to see more tutorials about lighting in swift… i always have difficulty with that=)


Hey 3d-iva,
If you are interested in writing any Swift 3D V3 tutorials, I’d be more than happy to put them up with all the credit going to you =)

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey ahmed,
Just lighting in general or animating lights, adding extra light sources, etc? That might make for an interesting tutorial.

Kirupa C:-)

Okay the only catch is that I am booked for about 2-3weeks so after that I will start doing some. Comprise a list of what peeps would like to see and I will do them as I can. I guess this thread will make the list for us.

*Originally posted by kirupa *
Hey ahmed,
Just lighting in general or animating lights, adding extra light sources, etc?

Well i guess a tutorial the deals with lighting in depth, so yeah like animating lights and adding extra light sources:beam:
