
Hey guys. Just thought I’d post up a design I submitted to www.threadless.com two days ago. It’s already in, I’m just waiting for them to process it, so this is just a showcase. I can’t change it now. I’d just like to hear your thoughts.

It’s entitled “Womb V.2”



That’s great … if you are a pregnant lady! :wink:

It’s a little funny… Only a little though… And that too in an awkward sense. :stuck_out_tongue:

A good idea none the less! :thumb:

Cool idea, I’d buy it. I would say it would be nice more detailed, but for tshirt production costs would go up big time if you included more colours, so its fine as it is (-:

Any particular reason you were inspired to do this Paddy? :slight_smile:

lol… That’s kind of disturbing Paddy

Yar, I really like it. Clever.

it’s cute:) i like it:thumb2:
but i agree that it is quite disturbing…

I :love: it!

Honestly, I have no idea where the idea came from. I was just watching TV and I suddenly thought “You know what would rock? If there was a window in the womb so the foetus could see out.” Then I thought “I gotta make a t-shirt of that.”


^lmao! paddy, great tshirt

^^I do that alot with my t-shirt designs and I wright them down but I have never gotten around to design them.

You should have a go at doing some of them. Submit them to threadless, it’s fun. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Thanks to anyone who said they liked it. I’ll post the link if it gets onto threadless so you can all vote. :smiley:

i wouldnt wear it.

Aww, why not? C’mon it’s a freaky foetus shirt! :crazy:

^it is awesome what you guys talking about.

eh, not my style.

I wouldn’t wear it either… Too freaky/creepy/disturbing… But it looks cool!

I wouldn’t wear it either… fun concept, poor execution IMO.

Ya’ll wouldn’t wear it because you don’t think it is well designed or because you think pregnancy is creepy?