Takin' the Cube Online!

Hey fellow GameCubeians - check out this site!!


Apperently with the new broadband adapter you can play online with your cube against others! It’s like Xbox live but it doesnt cost anything and you can only play against people you know (I think) Go download the movie and watch him play - it’s really very cool.

All I can say is “bring on Mario Kart!!!” hahaha


i will buy it, thanks!

I’ll buy it when the gamecube has a mouse, keyboard, and can word process, flash, and surf the net. Till then, i’ll stick with my pc.

Nali…get out the money

Story Here

:trout: jk

sounds like he’s talking about an xbox to me!

Don’t forget now you can load Linux onto your xBox.

yep you can, and ont he new one no modchip needed. Aslin moded his. he doesnt even notice load times…i want one, but love my xbox to much…