[start mini review] In case anyone cares - the new Mario Golf for the GameCube was released yesterday and it’s amazing! If you liked the one for the N64 I guarentee you will LOVE this version. It’s just more of the great gameplay experience, better graphics, more players, cooler courses and a little more refined swing techniques.
I mean, if you are a sim fan when it comes to sports, stick with Tiger Woods because let’s be honest - it’s the best golf game in the world when it comes to reality. But if you are out for a really good time looking for a bit of an arcade feel with extreamly realistic phyusics, than Mario Golf is the game for you [/end mini review]
I love my Playstation 2! I couldn’t go with another Nintendo console simply because they change the freaking console every other year or so, making all the previous games obsolete.
At least with the Playstation 2 switch, it: 1) took longer for them to have to come up with another system and 2) all the PS1 games can be played on the PS2.
That makes it all so much worthwhile to me. Although, I do miss Mario and Zelda desperately…
*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**There are a bunch of games on the Gamecube that are slowly making me buy a Gamecube. I haven’t touched my PS2 in a good month or so. :-\ **
How do you slowly buy a gamecube?
:trout:[SIZE=1] …you got the in’s at Best Buy or something?[/SIZE]
I love my gamecube as well - and DIpi, I dont think Mario Kart comes out until the end of november.
Emperor - Sony actually came out with it’s system before Nintendo did and there for they turn their systems around faster than Nintendo does… there was a good gap between the 64 and the gamecube, more of a gap than was between the ps1 and ps2. But you are right - they didnt make their games backwards compatible… But in their defence, they switched mediums so that really made it impossible to have cartridges play in a disk machine. I think you will find with the next version it will completely backwards capable. JMO
I’ve been a little bitter since I was ripped out by Sega. Remember those Sega CD systems? You know, the one that was $300 at one point? Yeah, I bought into that system when I was younger. Boy was I ticked off after they discontinued it after a year. Boy was I ticked off even further when I was walking through Toys R Us at some point and saw it for sale for $50.
But I’m sure that Nintendo will make things backwards compatible from now on. As long as no newer crazy technology comes out like games on Crystals or something. :beam:
not out here in uk yet, id get it on import but ive spent my money on another certain game…
FZERO! (jap)
hasnt arrived yet but should be here on friday! woot!
note - why oh why do we have to bring up console wars on every thread… so boring… how many times? people - its all about the games - not the hardware…realize this and your in gaming heaven!
I have PS2 and Gamecube, rarely play either, racing games every now and then. I bought PS2 for Final Fantasy Games. Then I bought gamecube because it had a lot of sweet games. I have no time to play games anymore, how sad.
*Originally posted by mariofan *
**not out here in uk yet, id get it on import but ive spent my money on another certain game…
FZERO! (jap)
hasnt arrived yet but should be here on friday! woot!
note - why oh why do we have to bring up console wars on every thread… so boring… how many times? people - its all about the games - not the hardware…realize this and your in gaming heaven!
mario has spoken! **
can you gimme an import site?! lol. but wont it be in jap?
oh well i might go get the movies Matrix 2 or Pirites of the Carribean soon on DVD. real copys the discs have the real graphics and so do the cases. they are sweet buys too.
^ sry if mario is getting something early i had to one up him and its true!
That does suck Dan, as I know exactly what you mean - I have had to MAKE time to play games as of late and let me tell you - I’m a better man for it
Mario - you are right brother, console wars arent the answer, because there is no clear answer. Games are games are games are games. If there great games than who gives a ****e what system there on, as long as you get a chance to play them