Targeting Pictures... Urgent!

Hi, I’m having some problems in finding the right path to target pictures into movie clips.

If it makes any difference - Im a Mac user.

The pictures are in a folder called “Pictures”. This folder is in the same folder as the flash files.

Note: I would like to burn this on a disc as well. In that case- what should be the path?

I would really appreciate your help, its urgent…


Keep the path relative to the swf if there is no problem to you… that way it will be good whether on cd or on disk

Neverthless if you plan to provide http paths thats best as it cannot be platform dependent then :slight_smile:

I moved one pic to the same folder as the flash files (and named it “2.jpg”).
I tried using the following paths:

pic1: "file://2.jpg"
pic2: "file:2.jpg"
pic3: "2.jpg"
and pic4: “

[COLOR=“Red”]The results:[/COLOR]
Error opening URL "file://2.jpg"
Error opening URL "file:2.jpg"
pic3: no error, but no display of the pic
pic4: loaded successfully :slight_smile:
[COLOR=“DarkOrchid”]Please help me know how to target the file :|:crying:[/COLOR]

well pic3: also should have worked fine…

use MovieClipLoader to load the image and trace the inLoadInit to ensure image load was successful

[QUOTE=sparkdemon;2349282]well pic3: also should have worked fine…

use MovieClipLoader to load the image and trace the inLoadInit to ensure image load was successful[/QUOTE]

and if I want to target it into the “Pictures” folder I write “Pictures/2.jpg”?

pic3: "2.jpg"
and pic4: “

should both work as said, are you testing it on the web? have you uploaded the files? are you sure the file is in the correct folder with the correct name.