Tear it apart (this means you ElectronGeek)

Well, my self-esteem must be up a bit, so tear into it and let me know:



Well… It’s pretty good.
Why don’t you make an actual layout, instead of just placing the buttons and the content on the white bg. You can add a border around the whole thing for starters. Also, I don’t think the time is necessary. People already get the time on their taskbar.
Maybe if it’s accurate yes, but it gets the time from the viewer’s computer anyways.

I think it’ll be great once you make a layout for the contents. =)

hmm, I’ve had that border criticism before. i’m going for a utilitarian look and really like the white background and the lack of a real edge. but obviously it is something i need to address somehow

i really appreciate your feedback and will experiment with what you suggested

so if you had a specific example or idea, i’d love to hear it

on another note: how do you like NYC? i visited it for the first time over Christmas and can see why people love it there

thank again :!:

My thoughts::

Technical merit:
You’ll get no more than a WOW from me because I’m barely above novice… but I know enough to appreciate the effort you put into the manageable oneStage navigation. The AS virtual tour is esp. neat !.. it’s become a bkMark…

Visual Appeal:
Madison Ave types like to dictate what is appealing … I know what I like/don’t like…
Borders give me claustrophobia
Too much background stuff gives me a headache
Neat little animations that aren’t too overdone, are entertaining
Getting lost in the ‘store’ is a pain -
sitting in one spot and having everything brought to me as I point - great

Your site hits all my +++ buttons

About time you decided to post this sub :slight_smile: I already critiqued it before this, if I talk to EG before he replies here I will let him know.

Why does everyone think I’m the bad guy here?!?! All I want to do is help!! :frowning:

Ok well here are some things I noticed:

  1. I like your menu even though it’s all broken up into chunks, try to combine the top part with the bottom part so it’s just one navigation block.

  2. Same goes with the rest of your layout, well I take that back, there’s no layout to begin with so that should be your next step. Build a layout so that things don’t look like they’re just floating around and scattered about.

  3. It would also be nice if you thought of a color scheme as well. What you have now is just a bunch of objects with diffrent colors thrown together.

  4. I like your logo, but I think it’s a bit odd where it’s placed now, maybe move it to where the subquark is at on top of your navigation.

It’s obvious you have the technical skills, you just need to work on the design side of this site and it should look great. Good luck =)

By the way, thanks for the comments on the other thread. =)

:!: electrongeek! you’re so off topic! oh just kidding, who was that dork anyway?

Okay, big thanks (a shout out) to lostinbeta, electrongeek and relandr! To take the time to really look at someone’s work just shows how great you all are.

As far as the technical skills, you are definately off topic! The skills look good because of this forum and a lot of feedback (that be you - lostinbeta).

electrongeek is not a bad guy, but actually someone who has the passion to really look at stuff, think about it and offer thorough criticism and valuable advice

yeah, I know, this is really sappy but I mean it, the rest of the world sucks but here, on this forum, there are some really great people

so my monochromatic, utilitarian site blows from a design (argh, designless) point of view :*(

so what do I do?!?! i am so lost (i could say lost in beta, know why? 'cause by day, I am a geologist at a lab called Beta Analytic! sort of weird and also, my best friend is Vietnamese, his name is Sa-Ni) :asian:

anyway, since i am so lost in lack of design, maybe you could tell me if you like the look of the previous version :eye:

Doh, version3

and if that was not enough, what about A or B?

LOL!!! I like B better, A is so off topic!! :geek:

I actually like your previous version more, it’s a bit more conceptual and laid out better too.

How about combining your previous version and the new version? Like take some elements from the old one like the sliding content window and add in the menu from your new site?

I mean don’t just throw them together the way they are now, but redesign the site so that it has both elements. I think that would be cool because I like the menu you have on your new version. =)

I think B looks really nice. Definately a better eye appealing layout… although i must agree that white does add a touch of professionalism that sometimes can be taken away by crazy graphics…(but i like crazy graphics myself*)

:love: ~ Seretha

■■■■! my wife was right! she liked the look of the other one too

“A” is better (and more original), you are really good with the 3D stuff, your “enter” graphic is awesome, what did you use?

anyway, your suggestions really help point me a new direction. one reason i changed the site was that on the old site, the sliding (a la Barney) menu played slowly on older pcs (like mine: twin 550s)

any suggestions on how to reduce processor load on a big slidey thing like that? i don’t think i can use updateAfterEvent(); on that type of motion

thanks again for your great insight (and for keeping me up tonight and glued to the pc this weekend!)

any other design ideas oh Great One? all hail electrongeek!

How big are those graphics in the background of that sliding window? If it’s a lot bigger than that window then it will be sluggish so try to crop it down to almost the exact size of that window and maybe it would help a little.

thanks Seretha! Did you get that thing worked out from last week? I don’t know if you’re pulling my leg, but B is 2advanced

Great, now you like the white for the professional touch! I am so friggin’ wishy-washy! Now I’m torn between white and the green from v.3! :frowning:

hey electrongeek, the graphics are exactly the size you see them (and 1200 pixels wide behind the mask, but the same height you see). i flew from miami to boston for an interview and that v.3 site played a bit jerky on their machines and i decided to change the site

well, i don’t want to monopolize your time (actually, I’d love to, but . . .) so i will work on a “design” and repost later

you guys are so mean (but honest!) thanks (-:

NYC? It’s not bad.
But after living here for 14 years… It gets boring. =X