Tell me how you feel......:-)

my new webiste - [COLOR=#666666][/COLOR] - just launched a couple days ago. come take a look and leave me some response there if you have time ~ thanks

It’s too confusing.

Yeah it’s nice, but there’s too much going on.

I agree that it is rather confusing. I think that the navigation needs some text - the symbols at the four corners don’t really get the point across that they are for navigation. Kind of like mystery meat.

Both the scrolling images and the carousel move much too fast at the beginning.

I left a comment on the site. I think it’s very brave design, but a lot of people might find it too modern and have difficulties finding their way around it… I love the ideas behind the functions, the way you can navigate a lot of the site without clicking. also loading takes a while but the loading animation is fun enough so that you don’t mind waiting… things do move a little fast though, I’d make all the floating and scrolling things float and scroll slower.

all in all a good job, if a little on the bleeding edge. good luck!!

Thanks for all your replies…especial the one from celandine of course. Complaints from user were what I expected at the day I finished designing the layout. But I am so determine to try something new and different. So, hearing someone actually understands the point I try to make is a real boost…:crying:

I will try to make some adjustments so that the website will make everyone comfortable or at least irritate less users. Thanks again. - Cheers -

its different, don’t like the filer stuff on the photos, everything seems to take time to load

Sorry about that the website run slow. All the files’ size are quite small actually. Main.swf just about 400k and content swfs around 200-300k (as I remember). So, I can only blame my decision to host the website at home for the slow performance…

you can always move to a faster host if your traffic warrants it…

you’ve achieved the ‘do something new and different’ part, and I can see from the general look of it that you have a healthy sense of design… now it’ll be about toning down some of that brave innovation and making compromises to make it user-friendly… good luck - can’t wait to see the new version… :smiley:

the loading animation takes way too long for me :frowning:

It’s awesome. Very very different. Thank God.
The nav needs a little modification to make it easier.

By the way, nice name.

I like it too. The background is fun, though it doesn’t really tie into the rest of the site. I’m not a fan of scrolling menus - I think they are confusing, especially for non-experienced users, and yours was racing so fast when I launched that it made me dizzy.

And yes, stuff does take a long time to load, but thats the most original preloader I’ve seen in a long time - nice work!

I’m not a huge fan of all the different colors in the different sections - I think they could be cleaned up to be a little more pleasing - but otherwise the site is pretty fun to check out. Seems more of a personal fun site than a professional “hire me” type site.

Overall, a thumbs up :thumb:

confusing and a little bit disorientating… but i like it… nice job!