Tell Target (For Noobs)

Hi all,

I’m psyched to have found this site. I’m a Noob and trying to learn as much as I can before building my first website, so I’m studying the tutorials and testing them…picking them apart, and trying to learn this ■■■■ actionscripting stuff.

I just followed this tutorial for TELL TARGET:

but I don’t get one thing. If the button (tell target) GoesToPlay the “Cheese” movie at Frame 1, why doesn’t it Stop, since there’s a stop action in the first frame of that movie? The second frame has a Start label, so shouldn’t it point to that?

  1. I’m confused about a how the movie could begin with this action, and
  2. How does de-pressing the button again stop the movie (where’s the action script for that?)

Thanks for your help,