Tell target

I have setup a scene with drag menu’s. I have a main one setup and you click the buttons and i want it to load up another drag menu movie clip. I cant get the tell targets to work or a basic goto command to a keyframe which would load the movie on it. I need help real bad…


example below i think…

[swf=“ height=395 width=505”][/swf]

if you have an answer im on AOL instant messanger at

i would really appreciate your help…im stuck on this one part…

are you using Flash 5, or MX?

TellTargets are depricated in Flash 5… :*(

However, if you must use them, please post your .fla, and I will take a look at it… chances are you have to target the level the mc is loaded into…


the main menu that is shown in the above .swf file with the buttons web development and application design.

When click I want it to open the other movie clip labeled as “dragmenu2”. The actions i have for the button is

on (release) {
tellTarget ("/dragmenu2") {
gotoAndPlay (1);

and it doesnt open the movieclip with this error message.

Target not found: Target="/dragmenu2" Base="_level0.instance13"


The new format for this command as of 5.0 is

on (release) {
dragmenu2.gotoAndPlay (1);

Given that the movie clip in question has the instance name “dragmenu2” and that it is located on the same timeline as the button that has the script.

without your .fla it is difficult to tell, but judging by the little explaination you gave:

I assume you are loading the dragable movies in a level, correct?

then if you loadmovie into say level 01, you need to target that level:

on (release) {
tellTarget ("_level01/dragmenu2") {
gotoAndPlay (1);

see if that helps…

BTW, swf’s don’t do a lot for me, since I can’t see the code… that’s why I ask for the .fla…


I changed the actions for the rollover to on (release) {
dragmenu2.gotoAndPlay (1);

and it stopped the error but the movieclip doesn not come up…

that gave me this error

Target not found: Target="_level01/dragmenu2" Base="_level0.instance13"

and to be honest with i dont think i know what a level is …

can you post your .fla?


can i email it you…

if it’s under a meg… probably should zip it, if you have winzip…

edited out by reverendflash

I’ll see what I can do…


its sent

Any idea?

okay, for some reason, I couldn’t see your .fla when I tested the movie… :frowning:

However, I did the attached test file to show what I would do to fix this…

I used LoadMovie to load your dragable menus into level 10. then you can load the new menu in the same menu, and telltarget the main timeline by _level0 …

I hope this helps,


totally awesome… so what would i put on the drag menu… to close it? if i put an “X” button in the top right corner… What actions would i put?

thanks alot

by the way is there any way to make the menu pop up not onto of the other… like in a different location?/

you would just use Unload Movie level 10 on a button…

glad it works for you,


nevermind the location one…

You can always load the menus in different levels (I try to use 10, 20, etc. to leave room in case I need to insert something in between)…

BTW, this is really oldschool as far as Flash is concerned… they use really different code now… :frowning: I have just started learning the AS for MX…


yea but i mean… when a menu comes up… and i want to close it by putting an “x” on the menu in the top right corner… just like windows…

is there an action that will close the .swf movie?

As I said…

on a button :

on (release) {
unloadMovieNum (10);

10 being the level the movie is loaded…
