[tennis] Canadian Guy vs. UNFLUX

What do you say CG? Up for it?

I know you’re a bit busy right now with other battles, but I’d like to get in line for next. I’m really itching to do something in pshop, and I really enjoy your work and would love to have a go.

If you’re up to it, we can keep it simple:
rounds: 4 volleys each (8 total rounds)
theme: none
apps: any
image: jpg exchange
image size: determined on 1st volley
notes: include the round# in each piece, simply for reference and another way to add creativity.

Gallery: www.unflux.com/files/canadianGuy/

thanks :slight_smile: I have been through this thread for more than once… and all the time I was disappointed to miss some wrok by you…

now I am happy :slight_smile: