Terragen World

Hey does anyone know how to create the mountain in this picture with Terragen?


Well first you need a huge bunch of rock floating in space. Then with the gravitaitonal pull of all of them they start sucking in more and bigger rocks.

After centuries of this they start banging off eachother vigoriously getting hotter and hotter untill they explode sending them all over space.

You need to find one that will eventually have seismeic activity to blow lava all over the friggin place.

With some luck it will eventually develop an atmosphere and snow on your volcanic bump.

If your also lucky enough to be near a good sun then your sunsets will kick balls and Wham! there is your mountain.

Pull out your digi cam and your good to go pal.

But seriously.

I dont know.

well, thanks man.

anyone else? :cool:

Look at the guy who created the picture’s site at http://personal.telefonica.terra.es/web/terravirtual/ then look at his main tools, I hope that can help solve your answer :slight_smile:


if you can’t find your answer in these threads, chances are we don’t know. I don’t know of any terragen “gurus” around here.

I’ll continue to watch and see if any show up tho.