In my web site I import external text from an TXT file. My language uses special caraters as Ç, Ã, Ê, etc.
When I export it as Flash Player 5, there’s no problem at all. But I need to export it as Flash Player 6 to use ScrollPane.
First of all thanks for your time trying to help me!
Maybe I don’t understand your explanation or I haven’t explained my problem well.
Let’s see:
I have my FLA file (let’s call it INDEX.FLA)
Inside INDEX.FLA I have a text field that, when I turn INDEX.FLA into INDEX.SWF (CTRL+ENTER), it loads external text from TEXT.TXT (for example).
When I publish it (INDEX.FLA) for Flash Player 5, those special caracters appear withour problmes, but if I publish for Flash 6 or higher those special caracters are placed by squares.
2nd part:
Inside INDEX.FLA I also want to use SCROLLPANE. But when I press CTRL+ENTER it says that I must Publish it as Flash Player 6 so it works good.
Understand my problem? For one thing I must use Flash Player 5, but for the other I must use Flash Player 6.
Can you explain to me, first of all, why I have those problems with caracters when published for Player 6?
And then, tell if there’s any way that I can do both things without problems!
Thanks a lot and I hope you understand my problem and can resolve it.