Text Rollover buttons

I am trying to create a rollover menu using text inside of flash and I cannot get it to work. I want to use simple text that when you rollover it, changes color, and then when clicked on brings up another page of the site. Has anybody had experience doing this? One problem I am getting is when i write out the text and convert it to a button, each individual letter fucntions as a button instead of the whole button acting as a button. I know it can be done and I have searched through many forums but have come up empty handed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



One thing I like to do is create a generic button that is just a shape. Then you can give it rollover properties and the like, or even make it invisble. Then I put an instance of the button on my stage and type some text over it. That way I only have one library item but can reuse it over and over again with different text.

If you want the text itself to change color and such then you have to make a seperate button/text for each menu item.


i had probs with this one to, all u hav to to is go into ‘edit mode’ for each one of your text buttons, create a layer [U]below[/U] the text layer.
next draw a borderless rectangle in that layer and change the rectangles colour to “alpha 0%”

hope that makes sense

does this solve ur prob or are you wondering how to change colours?

Thanks for the suggestions. What I’m trying to do is create text buttons similar to this site where when you rollover the text it not only chnages color, but the whole word acts as a button. When I write out the ‘contact’ and then convert that to a button, it functions as a button, but it’s acting like each letter is a seperate object. So when you mouseover the word, the the pointer (the littlehand icon) disappears as you go from letter to letter. Does anyone know what I’m talking about? (not sure if this makes sense or not.)

thanks again


It’s very simple: Just place a rectangle/shape in the HIT state (or frame) of your button. Whatever you place in the Hit state will not be visible regardless of color or alpha value but will be detected to trigger the button. :wink: