
Woaw my first post on the kirupa-forum…
I have a cool font: Sydnie

  • but when I test my movie the gaps in R, a, A, O, o … are filled, it doesn’t matter what size I use. Is it a bad font or can I solve it?
  • and I still don’t understand how you can be sure everybody sees the font…somebody was talking about embing or something, help me…


Hey I have that font too…

Have you checked the tutorial by Kirupa


This should tell you something about font in flash…

I know what the error is

The font is not a font for static text. It is one made for dynamic text…

Hmm better use another font because in dynamic it’s al ****ed up…but euh what about the embing or something part…

Yeah, the font is not very “good looking”. That’s right…

Anyway, your embing question…

What is embing…? :crazy:

I dunno… :slight_smile:

…and to make it appear on other comps, you need to embed the font into flash…

maby someone else knows

I really don’t know… :-\


if you have selected your text look at the properties panel and click on character … select all characters

Can’t I make a symbol of it so it doesn’t change…?

this is what I usually do:

right click over your text and select break apart … the text will be separated into letters … but still text. select all the letters and right click over them … select brake apart again and now you’ll have shapes.

the problem is that if you ever want to change the text you’ll need to rewrite it :-\

ey…i have the font too!! i tested the font, and all the letters with “holes” are filled. i tried what kax do, but when i tried the break apart thing for the second time, the letters are filled again, i mean, the shapes are filled. i guess the font is Flash-unfriendly (?). i suggest that you just have to use another font, or search another font that looks like Sydnie but is working in Flash!

I’ve tested the font [size=1][I had no idea that the font was already installed in my pc][/size] … the same happened

another thing I do:

I draw them in flash … pretty boring actually :-\ … but the result is a crisp and clean font

just break up the fonts until you have the center spots grouped, take the spots to another layer break up the remaining text then go back to the layer with the centers break it up copy and paste in place then delete the centers your font should be looking as good as new
