Hi I´´ve been struggling with a strange problem since the begining om MX release.
Sometimes when I wanna attach a scrollbar from the components it just don´t attach to the textbox. And I´m using dynamic, and multiline settings in the properties of the textbox.
Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn´t.
I´m attaching a fla were it doesn´t work. and hoping that someone could resolve this “mystery” ro me.
Well… Change your text field to the Dynamic text field… Yours is set to Static at the moment… Give it an instance name and drag the ScrollBar component onto that text field and resize it… (It’s working abit weird though… :()
While I am at it… This code,
choice = Math.round(Math.random()*5);
switch (choice)
case 0 :
loadMovie("picsload1.swf", holder);
case 1 :
loadMovie("picsload2.swf", holder);
case 2 :
loadMovie("picsload3.swf", holder);
case 3 :
loadMovie("picsload4.swf", holder);
case 4 :
loadMovie("picsload5.swf", holder);
case 5 :
loadMovie("picsload6.swf", holder);