Thank You Jimmy Falon!

Hmm odd.

I white snowball produces blue water. Definitely something for the scientists to check out :wink:

But yeah, pencil tools don’t anti-alias so your edges are extremely jaggy. Are Wacoms really that much more different than paper?

Note: I still want one :wink:

Lost, wacoms work much better when you have airbrush tool in photoshop 5.5 or 6. In 7, soft preasure makes a thin line, harder makes line wider. But in earlier, it makes a faint line, harder makes it darker. Works better. And GENERALLY people dont use the pencil tool with their wacom (atleast from the stuff i’v seen). Where is rev? Isn’t rev the expert with wacoms?

VTS31 (Edwin) is the expert with Wacoms.

I am by no means an expert on Wacoms. However, I did buy myself one today while buying a new HD…

Just couldn’t pass it up anymore (I’ve used one before, so I know how cool they are)…



Well, yea Edwin is the expert at everything, along with Dan, Lost, and pom (there is a reason they are mods, huh), but I thought that rev here was also an expert when it comes to Wacoms. Hymph, maybe i should lay of the vodka…

yeah. lol. i never owned a earlyer verson of ps. but maybe i can get one REAL cheap or something, yea never know. my buddies dad used to work with it, maybe i can buy it off him…

i got the ps off his dad for free :score!: i cant belive it, it is the best for wacom. so realistic.