This is my first drawing in flash using my wacom tablet… I was bored and decided to give it a shot… it actually looks a lot better than i thought it would… so here it be
wow, that looks really good!!
thanks alex:beam:
wo w that’s friggin cool! But I think it would look better with eyes closed or sth…! Kinda strange the eye! Cool pic though!
thanks syko… i know the eye is kinda wierd… ill probably fix that up at some point
thanks a lot for your comment
wow dude that is amazing!
I fixed it up a bit… it looks a little cleaner now and the eye isnt as freaky
thanks dippy
yeah that looks better. i love drawing in flash
thanks again dippy
i love drawing in flash too… stuff looks cool in there
and its got cool brushes and stuff.
Yeah… the first one was done all with the circular brush
and then when i went to fix the eye i was like whoa! theres more brushes… and then i used them… yup
pretty cool good job
350z do you do all your werk in Flash? cause yhour stuff is amazing!
thank you 350… i love ur art by the way
color… yeah
that bad eh?
actually, it’s really nice. good job!
thanks red… i thought it sucked cuz no one replied in 2 days…
oh well, im just impatient
thanks a lot:beam:
Ever heard of ToonBoom? Try drawing your WACOM tablet on ToonBoom… it will rock your world!
it got even better for every step…
the 1 with color is very nice! :rambo: