Thanks and any suggestions

[font=Arial]First off… thanks to you all. I’ve been a lurker of this site for over a year and without all of you I wouldn’t know half what I know when it comes to flash. Keep up the good work!

Now, the reason I finally stepped out and posted.
Just finished up this game (for Halloween) that I have been working on the last few months and I need some criticism, and game testing as well, if you guys have a few moments.

It’s based for a younger audience (9 year old step daughter requested it) so you’ll probably get bored quick, but I’d appreciate any time you can give and any comments, good or bad. If it helps, the higher levels are pretty crazy fast…

Things I am curious about if you do have the time:

[][font=Arial]Lags a bit when played in browser. Shrinking down the window helps but it’s still clunky. It’s 24fps and has LOTS of IF’s, Randoms, and graphically strong. I assume that is the reason for the slow down but I might be wrong.[/font]
][font=Arial]I had 2 crashes, on TIMED when I got some time from a GOOD item and also lost some time from a BAD item at the same moment. If any 1 can duplicate this I’d appreciate it. I changed the code and think I got it… but you never know.[/font]
[][font=Arial]When it loads it has a blank screen then goes to the pre-loader. I remember reading somewhere that there is a way to cover that blank screen up, but I can’t find the information now. Anyone know how to do it?[/font]
][font=Arial]Suggestions over game play, code, so on… fire them off. Even the simplest thing can help out.[/font]
[*][font=Arial]On TIMED, had a clock appear on top center when time got below 20 seconds, but just felt like it was in the way. Numbers by themselves looked out of place with background and Numbers with a white box just looked to cramp on the screen. Any suggestions? (I did try a alert, like the Cat in regular play, but it just kept firing off too much sometimes when the action got to quick)[/font]
[/list]THANKS, in advance, and sorry for the giant post of doom.