That flash site from years ago


maybe this ring a bell with someone online here. I’m looking for this flash code/sample/demo site I stumbled upon years ago. It was awesome back then (in the time of AS1 I think) and I’m wondering if this guy has kept up and still outputs really cool things.

Ok so now for the vague description of what I’m looking for:

  • it was a german based site
  • the colors were black, orange and white
  • the logo was like a smiley with cool headphones on (also in black, orange and white)
  • there were cool flash effects on animation, mainly on audio I think (like equalizers and stuff)
  • it was a rather comprehensive site from which the sources could be downloaded too

This might go back to like the year 2000 but I hope someone has a clue to what I’m looking for.

Ok, I drew up the logo like it might have looked like, hope someone recognises it :slight_smile:

Thanks !