The advanced Rollover tutorial

hey, I noticed that the tutorial for the advanced rollover, it’s in Flash 5, and uses telltarget for getting the rollover to work properly. I’m currently running MX, and have worked out the tutorial down to the last detail… and it doesn’t seem to work. My friends have told me that the telltarget function doesn’t work well in MX, so I was wondering if there was a way to do that same sort of tutorial with OOP. I’m in the process of figuring it out, but does anyone here know what event handler handles gotoandplay ?

tellTarget works fine in mx…it’s just deprecated…if you want to update it, you just need:

on (rollOver) {
        _root.rollover.gotoAndPlay ("1text");
on (rollOut) {
      _root.rollover.gotoAndPlay ("1back");
