I’d like to do something llike in http://www.jjdonline.com/ .It’s very easy but I can’t properly use the the Rollover function.
Is there anything similar I can learn from?
I attach a fla that I did.
Thank you
I wouldn’t use the rollover function. I’d do a tell target (basically, tell a movie clip to go to a certain frame and stop once you roll over the button).
Hang on, I’ll whip something up.
*Originally posted by Random Hero *
**I wouldn’t use the rollover function. I’d do a tell target (basically, tell a movie clip to go to a certain frame and stop once you roll over the button). **
…which is what that example url you gave is doing You’ll see when Random Hero posts an example
I’d like that the mouse would stay on the mc in the sixth frame …
Hey, gimmie a chance…sheesh…I’m almost done.
ok, check this out…it’s not quite the same, but I like it. I think you will too.
senocular, tell me what I did wrong on the tell target function. It’s cool and all, but I’d still like to know.
well telltarget is depricated so its suggested not to use it in favor of dot syntax. ie.
tellTarget ("ballclip") {
would be
But that works fine in your example. It does what you told it to. What you didnt do (which the website did) was tell the other circles to go back to frame 1 when you rolled over a new one. You did that on rollout instead.
Heres how I would have done it (and this works like the url)
thank you Hero…your example will help me a lot.
Just recently bumped up to flash MX (and have the time to learn it), and haven’t been programming in it for long. First three months all I did with it was illustrations.
it seems to work well too.
You’re great.
tell target was deprecated in Flash 5 too
it seems to work well too.
You’re great.
depricated smericated.