
can somone put those codes in MX for me please

Well it should all still work in Flash MX as is.

But starting with Flash 5 (urks me that this tutorial still uses it) tellTarget has been deprecated (fazed out).

[AS]tellTarget ("/rollover") {
gotoAndPlay (“1text”);

Should be…

woot thanks!

No problem.

sorry im not too good at action script can you copy the whole code for the first button please



on(release){} is an event handler. What that means is that anything inside it’s “{}” gets fired when that event occurs. You can place as many or as few commands in there as you like. The “rollover.gotoAndPlay(“1text”);” is just a call to an object with a method attached to it. broken down it is like so.

“rollover” the name of the object you’re calling to
“.gotoAndPlay();” a method telling the object to do something
“1text” the name of a frame.

ahh ic, so does it mater where the {} are? as long as ther ein front and after

ok i put those exact aciton in the first buton and the effect works when the mouse is released, like on release as noted in the code, but not when the mouse goes over it, and the fade away text doesnt work when the mouse leaves, if somone could download the fla and put that code in and check it it would be reall helpful thanks

w0 ta tha izoot i got it!! haha im the man… :wink: thanks guys so much you guys are the best I LOVE YOU1!!!

Congrats on solving the problem on your own :slight_smile: Doesn’t it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside :slight_smile:

Glad we could help in the first place.