The birthday thread (is it your bday?)

Long Live MakaVeli_Da_DoN!


hey didius, believe it or not i just installed RA2 because i was so bored of all my other video games…and now i see you are an RA addict? this can’t be coincidence…could this be the meaning of life? :q:

Hey that’s strange… I might have an video in your room… Check it…


No the game rock’s but I already got the expansion Yuri’s Revenge… He’s a madman…

Mak what is this??

Today’s Birthdays: MakaVeli_Da_DoN (83),…

Aren’t you 94?

oh yea i forgot to mention i have found the fountain of youth and i am reversing the ageing process!! soon i will be only 18 years old and very very ho…er you know what i mean :stuck_out_tongue:

doing… :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: