Hello darkmotion,
We at kirupaForum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
yay i got mine, and about 20 others from forums im not even part of :}
Hello darkmotion,
We at kirupaForum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
yay i got mine, and about 20 others from forums im not even part of :}
Aren’t you supposed to wait the five minutes for a thread to be created for you?
Happy Birthday :lol:
That’s the idea!
[size=7][color=red]HAPPY BIRTHDAY![/color][/size]
lol. yea but then he would have to wait for seb.
[SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]:party:[SIZE=5]Happy Birthday[/SIZE]:party:[/CENTER]
Happy Birthday darkmotion… enjoy the day :thumb2:
hope you keep spreading your darkside (skills) JK
Happy Birthday Dark, lemme lick u :lol:
happy bday man!
How come I didn’t get a PM?? or a post?? my birthday was on the 9th of march
…and how come nobody said congratualtions on being here for 3 years??? - that was on the 15th March.
goes away crying
Happy Congratulations G!
Also Happy Darkside day!
Happy Birthday Darkmotion.
And remember I was one of the first to wish you a happy B-day.:hr:
What he said
crayon lol quit doing that.
//edit, and sry G but happy birthday all the same.
HAHAHAHA thanks guys- went to a party friday night and totally forgot it was my bday until i got mail from the kirupa forums emailer hahahah
happy birthday mr. animation!:kommie:
HAHAH thanks kantaman
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