Happy birthday to Paramour (22), murphman (19), jcardil (34), FrankM (34), and Lemur (26).
and happy unbirthday to the rest of you.
Happy birthday to Paramour (22), murphman (19), jcardil (34), FrankM (34), and Lemur (26).
and happy unbirthday to the rest of you.
*Originally posted by david *
**and happy unbirthday to the rest of you.**
*Originally posted by david *
**and happy unbirthday to the rest of you.**
thank you my young friend. :elderly:
Hey MakaVeli I noticed it was your birthday a couple of days ago…
check the birthdays again…you might notice its my bday again…and again…and again…everyday
It’s my birthday soon!
Jan 28th! =)
Oh, and btw guys, my gf’s bday is dec 29th… let her know it!
She roams the boards sometimes… as a guest… but she’s HERE!
At least she says so… and she’s peeved that the boob smilie was taken off!
I’ll smack on a bra… for the smilie…
there was a boob smilie!!? Why OH Why do I always miss the good stuff?
and yes Phil it might be my bday everyday …like a neverending christmas except i get no gifts or money just hugs and kisses but no boob smilies
Happy bday to these fine fellows today, magikkal (28), eddepet (24), m|krippler (27), aldwincusi (24), purplestar.
we’ll leave off MakaVeli since he’s cheating :bandit:
why does everyone always try to take away my happiness, why can’t i have a birthday everyday
mean mean mean david :bad:
I feel like I have a birthday too…
I’ve grown to a Member from Junior Member…
So I’m introducing my new signature…
Who will tell me what happens after 999???
Hey akos,
You know, you can edit the text that appears by going to your profile. You don’t have to suffer the boring messages I used as default titles =)
Kirupa :q:
*Originally posted by kirupa *
**Hey akos,
You know, you can edit the text that appears by going to your profile. You don’t have to suffer the boring messages I used as default titles =)
Kirupa **
Yes, I know that, but it changed by itself (at 30th post), so I’m celebrating…
Or did I missed something???
Thx anyway…
Using the link below, you could change the text that appears under your handle.
For more information, check the FAQ.
*Originally posted by h88 *
**Using the link below, you could change the text that appears under your handle.
For more information, check the FAQ.
http://www.kirupaforum.com/misc.php?s=&action=faq&page=1#custom **
:sigh: :sigh: :sigh: :sigh:
happy birthday to me …happy birthday to me!!! happy birthday dear Makaaaaaaaaaaaa…happy birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
You appear to be 94, Mr Da Don. Is there something you wish to share with us? What is the secret of your long life?
You’ve got a portrait stashed in your loft, haven’t you? Confess!
Happy birthday Mak…
94!! And still kicking…
Go for it…
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