The Computer Room

Hey, let’s get some desk photos up in here! here’s mine, with me sitting in it, unfortunately (all I gots is a webcam) :

Well here is a picture of my desk taken just a few mins ago:

I try to keep the desk clean…just like you mentioned in that other thread, because I have absolutely nothing better to do. Nothing at all :ub:
I didn’t clean the desk just a few minutes prior to taking this picture. My desk stays spotless all the time…yep.

corey is that @ your work or house? It looks like an office.

Hello everyone, I am in the interest of what your computer throne is set up. wether it is at work or at home, your computer chapel is maybe the most important place for many people :nerd: for ex. my room is set up with a surround sound system, a bed, a tv for when i wonder what the heck is going on outside my house or to watch cartoon network, and finally a fridge to save my breakfast, a glass of Starbucks Frappachino! i have it all! except the bathroom (Note to self: Find space to put toilet. I whould love to see how everyone else has there room set up :rambo:

this is me:

I merged the threads mx :slight_smile:

thor when you say you buy cheez-its in bulk, i didnt think you ment that big!

w00t i see the webcam! w00t! hehe. (inside joke with me and thor) btw did that guy get off yet?

Here is my room…

#1: A Pepsi. Important for productivity.
#2: My sweet black leather chair
#3: My computer lies within, a Dell 4100 Dimension, 866 PIII
#4: My sweet lamp, which is off right now because it would wash out the picture more than the computer is doing right now. Yellow soft light is the best light.

My awesome desktop army that I painted a few years ago when some of my firends got into Warhammer. Wow, Warhammer is dorky, but the figures are awesome.

#1: Extra pain for intruders, this guy will jab you up good.
#2: What good are archers without a fort you made with sticks from your yard and styrofoam? That’s right.
#3: (not shown) my sweet pegasus guy, who lays the most hurt of all shown figures. His biggest job is to keep my sisters from using my computer to download crap when the family computer shuts down from viruses.

The desk, which is really a table I bought at a garage sale for $10. Good deal.

#1: Most things in my room I would describe as “sweet.” This, however, is not sweet. It is my crappy printer that prints way too light and generally sucks all the way around. I end up printing downstairs, making this piece of junk nothing but a noisy paperweight.

#2: My sweet book collection, but as you can see, my first Jesse Liberty C++ is missing (because I loaned it to a friend). Other books not shown include my HTML book and any other book I loaned out and forgot about.

#3: My sweet money mug. Loose change goes here until it starts falling out and I have to put it in the cash machine at the grocery store.

#4: Hahaha, I think I can learn Japanese over the summer. This actually is somewhat happening, but very slowly because studying vocab is hard, boring work! There is also a Bible I got in third grade that I sometimes read. Also shown near this arrow are 2 crappy inspirational books that people have given me. Please, do not buy people “inspirational” books, daily devotionals, and other sappy trash, it’s such a lame “I don’t know what to get you” gift. I have to keep these here for x amount of time before I can throw them away without my mom or sister noticing.