This is the very start of remaking my HTML site into flash:
I am using external .swfs all on a 800x600 flash document which is the full webpage, my question is, is this a good way of making a flash website, having every webpage just one huge flash movie with flash movies built into it? I tried using frontpage to just call each movie seperate, and they were all lined up perfect to the size I had frontpage opened, but when it was published and the window was maximized, the movies just went all over the page (because I guess I dont know how to break the page into seperate areas and put the side menu bar in its little cell so it doesnt move?) So my solution to this problem was just making the webpage one big flash document, just wondering is this a good way rather then messing around with frontpage, or can somebody help me out with frontpage? I am new to flash and I am just trying to make website better then the dull plain HTML site it used to be.