The crappiest...The worst...the ugliest and the ****tiest

well hey it has been a like a year since i made this one…plus i just made some lay-out which was more or less the same as drawing four lines on a black background:)…And the HBV sign prevents u from actually readin the text…plus it will go slow(ok most ppl have dial-up…but dial-up just sux,the site was 4 broadband users only n e ways)…And the muzik is outdated and not nicely mixed…and well nvm if there’s anything good about it i’d be more than surprised …i’d be surprised, amazed, astonished, astounded, open-eyed and even stupefied and that all at once…don’t 4get am blind and mute(and gettin lame(literally)

ok well it sux and now YOU can actually have a look,have a laugh and have a drink…
wow ****e it doesn’t get worse than this;…

:blush: :*( :x :sigh:

yes it is kinda slow on 56k …but why are you dissing it up…whats up with your gimmeck? its not so bad anal butt probes better not have anything to do with it

I love it… the design looks really clean, and BTW: You’re belgian too? Cool:P :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

It wasn’t that bad. The transitions took to long though. Put in some preloaders

hey MC_F, wazzup? why no love for that site? it’s okay, where’s your site?

I think he is so hard on that site becasue it is his site. Read the post before you comment.:wink:

pretty nice!
I think you could work on the “frame” design a little more, add a few bevel&emboss photoshopers or something like that… Would fit well with the style.
The only main “problem” than I can see is that the main menu bar keeps on going left/right even if you’re at the end. Definitly need to make it stop when you’ve reached the end. Or you could put one of those “looping menu” that look like tickers (is that what you call them in english?) that you see everywhere nowadays. Would be cool to.
the main menu scrolls opposit of the usual way when you click on the arrows. Might be on purpose but I thought I’d mention it anyway :wink:


the main menu scrolls opposit of the usual way when you click on the arrows. Might be on purpose but I thought I’d mention it anyway :wink: **

it was on purpose and well everyone complained about it so i refused to change it…:sigh: (i always gotta make the clan site and i was kinda really fed up with all the comments they had without any decent input…just complaints but no suggestions to something themselves)
as for all the other comments u are right…ALL OF U i appreciate the fact u’ve taken a look at it anyways tnx

well it can only get better from now one(hopefully)

so tnx again and i’ll improve it a lil or make a new design…