Well, there is another thread regarding the Ministry of Oil situation. It’s quite unfortunate the artifacts were destroyed, and yeah, I’m glad that we’ll be using the oil from iraq to help the Iraqi citizens who desperately need help Saddam wasn’t too kind to them for the past 20 years.
Also, if a foreign army did invade the US (and defeat us?), and our stuff got looted, oh well - it’s a casualty of war. I wouldn’t be here complaining about it. There are more important things in a war than to save a museum.
Martin Sullivan resigned, but who was to figure that the Iraqi’s would steal from their OWN museums, etc. I’m sure in about 5 years, all the artifacts will be scoured down and returned.
Yeah sure the artifacts will be scoured and brought back…
Yeah all the oil that you will burn will help Iraqis. That’s just plain incorrect. Then in Saudi Arabia, all the money made from the oil would go to the people of Saudi Arabia and the rebuilding of Saudi Arabia, not to give it to the monarchy as US does. And the monarchy keeps it for themselves. And Saudi Arabia is a monarchy /dictatorship Kirupa, that US supports. It’s not a democracy Kirupa. They will do the same with Iraq.
Kirupa: Actually in the Gulf War over 4,000 artifacts were looted from Iraq’s museums and so far only 4-10 of them have been returned. That was, what 8,9,10 years ago?
And CopperGoat: I care that the Iraqi museums are being looted. It pisses me off because I am an Archaeology major and that area is rich with Ancient history. Many of the artifacts that were stolen are from the ancient Mesopotamian Civilization and its a terrible thing that these people have looted the museums. Very few of the artifacts will turn up because the people that looted probably plan on either, keeping them for theirselves, or selling on the black-market to private collectors. Its sad too. Very disapointing. I wish our troops could do something to protect the museums, however they have other things to do.
*Originally posted by CopperGoat *
**Yeah all the oil that you will burn will help Iraqis. That’s just plain incorrect. Then in Saudi Arabia, all the money made from the oil would go to the people of Saudi Arabia and the rebuilding of Saudi Arabia, not to give it to the monarchy as US does. **
Who are we supposed to give it to? Write a check to each Saudi Citizen? We give the money to the monarchy because that is who the oil belongs to. What they do with the money after that is none of our concern.
2- You seem to know a lot about the plans of our government. Are you speculating, or are you psycic and can you read what the president and all of his advisors are thinking? Cause if you are, could you see if George Bush is a monkey? I have always been wondering?
Anyway, you can only speculate on what will happen, you don’t know for sure. I really wish we had a different president right now because then we could worry a little less that Bush is trying to steal the oil for himself.
CopperGoat: I truly believe that when the war is over, Iraq will be better of than they were two months ago, Two years ago. 10 years ago. We will just have to wait and see.
Irrational views on what I have seen so far! You take sterotypes of one bad US soldier/official and take it as if every US soldier/official is the same, ignorance is a bad habit for you.
*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Kirupa: Actually in the Gulf War over 4,000 artifacts were looted from Iraq’s museums and so far only 4-10 of them have been returned. That was, what 8,9,10 years ago? **
Oops, I am mistaken then. I read numerous articles on CNN, Slate, etc. regarding this and there were mentions of the FBI trying to find down many of the artifacts from eBay and preventing them from being sold.
Here’s the thing, if during a military action, the worst that could possibly happen is the looting of a museum by the country’s own citizens, I would say the military action is successful. Our intentions were to liberate the people of Iraq - not to protect a museum. It is sad that thousands of years of history have been lost, but it is also sad to see thousands of innocent civilians being murdered by Saddam.
whats really sad is that we are removing an ‘evil dictator’ that we brought to power, and supplied with chemical weapons. So whats the big deal, if he used weapons that we sold him?
When a child shoots another child with his fathers gun, do you punish the child, or do you punish the parent, who was the enabler? well, it seems you infiltrate the childs room, overthrow his lego collection, and implant your own version of barney videos… haha
Jubba’s right. It’s not like your ‘child’ can’t think for himself, or isn’t mature enough.
And could someone PLEASE help me understand why ANYBODY cares about some artifacts? It’s so hard to understand. It makes no sense!!! They’re just some paper paintings and pottery! WHO CARES!!!
And Copper, again I’m with Jubba, are you some mind reader? Cause you’re being terribly rude and insensible. I think that ignore list is itching.
I like your point about dumping cash on some saudi arabians, Philbert. I never had really thought about it until this Goat made some wierd accusations and under-informed rants. LoL.
tim, everyone cares about these things. Those artifacts are hundreds to thousands years old and can give us information about ancient cultures.
Another reason they are important is for the history of the Iraqi’s. Having artifacts that date back thousands of years gives the Iraqi’s a history, a sense of place, and a sense of being in the world. They can say that they have a right to be there…
Some of the things created in the area that Iraq now exists in
1). The method (that we still use) for telling time.
2). First set of laws.
3). some other stuff, my memory doesn’t last for more than 15 seconds. And I saw this on CNN like 20 seconds ago :(.
Jubba, your child did not steal the gun from you, he bought it from you and then kills another child. Stealing and buying are different things Jubba. US SELLS weapons to Saddam Hussein and he BUYS them. Not, Saddam Steals from US and uses them.
Jubba, I know that US cannot give the cheques to the Saudi Arabian citizens (which they probably could with all the power they have). What bothers me is that you say that the money made by the oil will go to Iraqis and will rebuild Iraq. You are claiming that , but then you say, “Oh, it’s not our responsibility that the money made from the oil doesn’t go to the citizens and the rebuilding”. So you are being very hypocritical and contradictive at the same time. What is the meaning of this?
What I meant was, we (the US) and other countries are supposed to buy oil from Iraq, and then in doing that we give the money to the Iraqi government. Hopefully, if all goes the way it should, the money we put into the Iraqi government/economy should go to the people and help to rebuild the country. Unfortunately with people like Saddam, when you put the money into the government, he just keeps it and builds another palace. We had no control over what he was doing with that money. But now that were are trying to stop his greed, and murder, and opression the US gets called Imperialist or Aggressor.
Sum up: We want the money to go to the Iraqi people, but we can’t write out the checks to each person so we have to give the money to the government. What happens to the money then is the Iraqi governments problem… If we try to intervene and say, “No this money has to go there and this has to go here” then we will get in more trouble.
Jubba, that’s the whole problem with US and its claim that it will help rebuild the country. I now that the money made from the oil cannot be guaranteed to go to rebuild the country, but what really pisses me off is when US GUARANTEES it will go to the people and the rebuilding of the country and then it doesn’t and US won’t care about it.
Like I said before, our Government is stupid. They make promises they can’t keep. But thats what all our politicians do. We base our elections on who can lie the best. The better liar gets elected president.
I personally wish that we could somehow make sure that the money goes to each citizen and helps them rebuild their homes and lives so they can go on living and be happier than they were two years ago, 5 years ago.
But, like I said, if the US goes in and tries to give the money to each person, the Iraqi government will claim that the US is impeding on the Sovreignty and then the US will start taking heat for being Imperialistic. So you have to ask, how far can the US go? What can we do without taking a lot of crap from other countries?
If you read through the numerous instances where the US intervened in setting up governments, in a continuing battlefield situation, the US has always placed someone of their choosing temporarily until order and normalcy could be restored. You cannot expect a people who have been devoid of democratic freedom for over 20 years to suddenly show up peacefully at the polls and vote.