i think you will find if you read the article again that he only asks once why our troops did nothing…then goes on to share his disbelief at his own people…the USA had nothing to do with this…don’t try to pin this as another reason we did the wrong thing over there; cause that just ain’t true…the Iraqi people did that not us.
and the people who did, probably didn’t even realize the importance of what they were doing…as is the case with most instances of vandalism.
If by past history you mean one dominated by dictactorships, I agree with you - I’m glad we got rid of Saddam. If by the new dynasty you mean an Iraq that is more free and more tolerant than what was avaialable a few weeks ago, yeah, quite true.
Of course, you provided no real information besides your opinion, but as you can tell from browsing this forum, opinions backed up with some reasonable evidence goes a lot further than one’s own personal assumptions of the surroundings.
What I am saying is not much of an opinion than a conspiracy theory. I believe the war is to conquer and establish an American presence in the Middle East. Also I believe this war not just against Iraq, but also is against Saudi Arabia. I believe terrorists are funded by Saudi Arabia (where is from Bin Ladan) and to make accusation against the Saudis without securing a sufficient oil reserve would be like shooting yourself in the foot.
Of course this is all speculation
Also, I believe evidence used from the Internet should also be credible themselves
david chang, I completey agree with you. Yes basically the US is trying to control the Middle East for its rich oil reserves. And Kirupa, once the US government does put a temporary dictatorship after a war, it will stay like that as long as possible. NO kirupa, the US will not put a democratic government and all that good stuff. Then Saudi Arabia should have free democratic elections, which it does not, it’s a monarchy backed by the US. So your statement is false once again. This goes the same with other countries such as Mexico, Columbia, etc… That’s why I had the dictators supported by US list. But you don’t seem to be getting the idea that the US hates democracy and adores dictatorship. You don’t understand that US does not want another anti-american government that would be DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED by the Iraqis in Iraq.
Of course that will be posted in another thread because it is very big
Also I believe everything had happened, is happening, and will happen is the results of the Neo-Conservatist Hawks puppeting Bush to change America’s foreign policies, going from a soft non-provoker to a pre-emptive attacker to establish to the world that the U.S. is carrying around a ‘big stick’ and will not be afraid to use it. The U.S. made an example of Iraq and had flexed its muscles to the Middle Eastern Region, North Korea, and all who dares to cross America. America’s justification is to ‘attack them before they can attack us’ creating more anti-American sentiment.
Hey prstudio,
In due time some of these issues will be resolved. The moderators and I are discussing on ways to prevent incessant ramblings, and extreme measures may be taken so the forum is more enjoyable to a larger portion of the community interested in discussing important issues
Did no member of the Democratic party supported this War? Congress certainly didn’t authorize a force act to use military action in Iraq…certainly not? Also, didn’t Clinton launch airstrikes against Iraq, help remove Milosevic - I bet the right-wingers had something to do with that as well.