The Drunken Friday Night Thread

Are you guys seriously telling me that none of you are awake at 3 am friday night?! C’mon, where’s all the late night action around here. ****!

Last Friday I had around 25 shots and was sick everywhere (I had Chinese that night) outside a police station.

25 shots? Of what?

There’s a line between feeling good and feeling trashed. I generally try to stop myself from drinking more unless I like the feeling of throwing up :sure:.

I was up ‘til 4:00am, but reading a sucky book for school.

Holy hell I just woke up - it’s 4 pm.

[QUOTE=REEF·;2377506]25 shots? Of what?

There’s a line between feeling good and feeling trashed. I generally try to stop myself from drinking more unless I like the feeling of throwing up :sure:.[/QUOTE]

I had 11 shots of Malibu, 14 shots of Apple Korn, 1 Desperados and a couple beers.

Malibu!!! Nice :D!

You were shooting weak Schnapps? That’s disgusting. And who shoots flavoured Rum? That stuff is for girly mixed drinks. :wasted:

You fail at drinking, Seb! :fight:

It’s a Schnapps, but with half the alcohol. You really, really fail. :td: :lol:

These were one after another :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me guess you also like southern comfort?

^Never tried it. At least I didn’t get taken to hospital, like I did last time I got hammered.

You’ve got a lot to learn seb.

You guys every have the stuff below its 99 proof, but that’s not what makes it bad its the fact that it doesn’t really taste alcoholic it tastes like apples. This small chick drank it and like 10min later she was like out of it.

99 proof? thats nothing compared to this here:

Devil springs - there is no one immune to it. F-in DEATH!

Why not just go 200 proof and get it over with :lol:

Yes because 100 proof bourbon is comparable to fruity mcfruit fruit drink.

[QUOTE=ajcates;2377556]Let me guess you also like southern comfort?[/QUOTE]

JD, Bowmore, Fernet Branca and Cape cod (2 shots of vodka 1 shot of cranberry juice) is pretty much all I drink.

[QUOTE=ajcates;2377556]Let me guess you also like southern comfort?[/QUOTE]

And what is wrong with SoCo may I ask?! :shifty: