just took a shot of vodka and a shot of colua (however you spell that) and oh i forget…anyway, happy st patty’s day1…wermw4opir3[40q8ntq3 0jo44tdf3
thats it? 2 shots? Cmon i got wasted the other day off of 8 shots of martini
i drank 9 shots of vodka once. i was pretty ****ed up.
HEY, who said i was done, anyway happy st. patty’s days;adlfjmc oa;w48hvtr 3q4tvt t
hum 9 vodka eh? I had 7 of skyy blue once… but i was sitting in a hottub, does that add 1.5 more?
9-7 is not 1.5 genious even i knoewsdf that. now shut updfls a and aunt pattys says hi
Khalua I believe it is spelled.
Good stuff. And yes… Vodka gets you messed up, just don’t be a violent Vodka drinker. I knew a few of those. Take one shot of Vodka and they were ready to fight anyone. Or just try to instigate fights at least.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Khalua I believe it is spelled.
Good stuff. And yes… Vodka gets you messed up, just don’t be a violent Vodka drinker. I knew a few of those. Take one shot of Vodka and they were ready to fight anyone. Or just try to instigate fights at least. **
shuup lost or i’ll find your house in that eurpoean country of yours na d beta you up so bad you’d wish you were only a beta prototype. HA
onClipEvent(load) {
lostinbeta.prototype.funkyfunction = function() {
lostinbeta = beta; //hahahahaha
Um, thoriphes, pal, I was wondering if the hottub adds a shot or so.
*Originally posted by morse *
**Um, thoriphes, pal, I was wondering if the hottub adds a shot or so. **
zell rules!!! and hottu b is not 0.5 …i’d better ssheep
I was coming down with the flu last time i got drunk, and I’v decided I dont like getting drunk
For my friends 19th b-day we drank our age worth of shots. 100 proof vodka. He had 19 I had 17. We were dead… don’t remember anything about that night. the only reason we know how many we drank is because it was on film.
wow, you guys drank like 19 times more shots than i just did. …on to more…
Main Entry: 1drink
Pronunciation: 'dri[ng]k
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): drank /'dra[ng]k/; drunk /'dr&[ng]k/; or drank; drink·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English drincan; akin to Old High German trinkan to drink
Date: before 12th century
transitive senses
1 a : SWALLOW, IMBIBE b : to take in or suck up : ABSORB <drinking air into his lungs> c : to take in or receive avidly – usually used with in <drank in every word of the lecture>
2 : to join in a toast to <I’ll drink your good health>
3 : to bring to a specified state by drinking alcoholic beverages <drank himself into oblivion>
intransitive senses
1 a : to take liquid into the mouth for swallowing b : to receive into one’s consciousness
2 : to partake of alcoholic beverages
3 : to make or join in a toast <I’ll drink to that!>
*Originally posted by morse *
Strange how this kid can still write AS when drunk. Must be deep in da mind. Snow Crash touched on that issue. anybody ever read that book?
right after my 21st bday…
19 Kamikazee’s…
I woke up the next day in the back of a pickup, thanking the gods that the wheel well was cold…
I have since heard I was carried out of the bar… in Boise, ID no less…
*Originally posted by morse *
**Strange how this kid can still write AS when drunk. Must be deep in da mind. Snow Crash touched on that issue. anybody ever read that book? **
yeah, like most books, i didn’t read that one. but thatnks you for the actionscript writing abilities my frined. it’s about the only function bym braing is doing right now.
thor -
rev - god forsaken idaho eh? what the hell brought you here?
Theres a few errors with that function, but I will let it slide being you are drunk