:lol: No one said anything about the homepage and you changed it! Hahahaha
You seriously have to get rid of that picture. It repulses me. I hate to say it because it sounds really mean, but I have to because you insist on including it in your design. DON’T!
I like it
How the hell did you get that snake score, hax hax!
I see you spent 12 hours+ on it so i guess its fair, but still 12 hours
Hey saxx, you want to make the Timmytots fanclub with me?
Please heed these words.
When I scroll down the homepage looks a bit ****ed in firefox, viz:
zooommmbbbiiieeee thread.
kill this one, folks. Shoot it. In the ****ing head.
For reals w1sh?
Sure lets do it, we need to make a small website with anoying audio and flashing pictures of that guy on his porfolio’s crotch. Done and done,
if you have MSN or yahoo add me plato-sm@hotmail.com
I will gouge my eyes out if I ever see that picture again.
[QUOTE=saxx;2359315]I like it
How the hell did you get that snake score, hax hax!
I see you spent 12 hours+ on it so i guess its fair, but still 12 hours
I got addicted to snake. To get a score like that you use worm, the slowest option and you go across the screen like this:
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
left to right, down, right to left, down etc.
[QUOTE=leisuresuitlissy;2359342]When I scroll down the homepage looks a bit ****ed in firefox, viz:[/QUOTE]
You need to empty your cache, that’s the old site.
besides i’m talking now about my home homepage:
“home homepage”? :lol: You know your site either 1) Has got too convoluted or 2) You are dumb, when you need to use “home” twice to define your root. I’m not sure if it is 1 or 2, but considering the completely irrelevant thread title, I’m leaning towards 2.