The Insanely Huge TimmyTots Portfolio Thread!

Be nice:


What do you think of my new homepage?

looking pretty good but whey is the text so small? No way in hell I can read it on 1920 resolution… :confused:

It’s not a bad idea or anything. I think the store looks the best out of the three (except the page flip in the top left hand corner, that looks kinda tacky). If you made your entire site fit that design, it would turn out better in my humble opinion.

Looks good overall.

A few things:
The black background on the store page seems somewhat overwhelming, kind of.
I wasn’t able to find (doesn’t mean it wasn’t there) a way to get back to your front page from the store without using the back button.
You have some overlapping issues in Opera…for what that’s worth to you. :wink:

Type is too small, needs more padding everywhere and contrast. The gloss looks really cheesy and too strong.

The good news is that you have a style, which is very similar in all your designs.

The bad news is that your style is awful.

[QUOTE=nobody;2346941]The good news is that you have a style, which is very similar in all your designs.

The bad news is that your style is awful.[/QUOTE]



Not another timmytots thread!

He needs his own forum or something.

Are any of the sites in your portfolio online? I tried to find them and couldn’t. The designs look really nice, I wanted to mess around with the UIs to see if they were as good as the designs.

looking better than the last time I saw your threads. Here is what you could work on:
increase the size of the font, maybe start thinking about a new color scheme; you’ve used the same one for almost all your versions and it’s starting to be outdated. Alot of things look cheesy.

Here is a link you can look at to learn more about typography and contrast.

Looks the same as your last versions, except with different images…

It … is … way … too … dark.

I can’t even see where your 3 little vertical banners intersect with the background because it’s so dark. Also, the text is way too dark and the font looks just a little bit better than Papyrus.

[quote=nobody;2346941]The good news is that you have a style, which is very similar in all your designs.

The bad news is that your style is awful.[/quote]

I nominate this for critique quote of the decade. :lol:

Why does your portfolio only have 1 piece in it?

^ A 1-item portfolio tells you just as much as a 20-item portfolio. ;)-:wink:

[quote=Timmytots;2346848]What do you think of my new homepage?[/quote]

I dont know what to say; but at first sight on portfolio i thought wow! But when i navigated to pages in portfolio, there was a strange mess. Some contained sound and misaligned stuff, others were fine tuned, and the pictures in modelin section… They seriously damaged the image of the site.

I mean design is good but, redundant and useless areas are there :m:

My new portfolio:

It might not be as attractive as my previous version but I like the structure of this one and, being wider, allows me to showcase my work more effectively. Only the one page at the moment. Opinions?

This was mentioned in the thread where you were getting div/css help but I’ll say it for everyone here:

the text is WAAAAY too small and dark to read. And honestly, there is also a lot of it. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to read that much. I would recommend dividing it into sections and one can skip to the section they want to read.

Other than that - meh, its a modified template right? Doesn’t do a whole lot for me. Fill it with cool stuff though and the design can be overlooked. :wink: