yes, becuase gh0st is my neighbor, and everyday we’d talk about our strats and whatnot, but I think him and necro would be a good team
Unless… Dan, you want to be on my team? Are you good?
yes, becuase gh0st is my neighbor, and everyday we’d talk about our strats and whatnot, but I think him and necro would be a good team
Unless… Dan, you want to be on my team? Are you good?
You can be the judge. It’s kinda in the middle. I have not played since the reset the laddder though. At least have not played on I have with my clannies though.
Really nice rec man, well then, if you’d like to be my partner, I’d be glad!
But I’m not the best war3 player, probably not as good as you, but I duno!
Cool - a War 3 tournament! Are there spots open for spectators (someone IM’ed me today about that, but I have no idea which one of you it was :evil: )?
meh, my record isnt all that spectacular (my internet crashed a few times, i should have 1 win, 0 loss)
I’ll upload the replay on my FTP if anyone wants to see me crush some n00b
Hey kirupa!
I think it would be a great idea to have you spectate!
That would be way cool. Just give me a time. I will team with you Grinch. After all, this is just for fun.
Sounds cool bro,
I’m stickin’ with NE. You?
Awesome! You all know my IM SN (kirupacom), so if the rest of the team doesn’t mind, just hit me an IM. I’ll try to be there :beam:
Kirupa that was me who im’d you like i said before it whould be great to see ya there :beam:
as for me I’m gonna stick with Orc/Undead, i have a great deal of ownage with those two races
Paired Teams as of now!
- Team 1
- Team 2
Unpaired… T-0, Cheesy_x and any else who wish to join
I will go random. As always. And then adjust accordingly. Finer points of our strategy will be determined once we are in the game and know what races our opponents are.
This is coming along pretty good
Ill be playing UD or NE just for the record… and its better for humans to stay away when im playing UD or NE… I don’t take a liking to gryphons, and have adapted accordingly…
Yes yes, you make fiends and/or gargs like every WC player. Too bad rifles will eat you.
I say we settle that arguement in a real battle! What team will win I’d go with UD, I cant use human :upset:
But anyays for the battle, Im going to be Orc. I love em :love:
I prefer orc also! I played my first two games in a long time online, and I lost with human - but won with orc. Me being level 1 (all of my old accounts were gone) and a lvl 10 partner (ne) vs. a lvl 21 and lvl 11 (both ud)
I started with Orc. Who doesn’t have a soft spot for the mean green machine? Tauren Chieftan for life!
Yeah gh0st has some good tactics for the orcs! Dan, when we face gh0st, I know some of his moves, as he does mine, so you know
But NE rock, I also like UD, but I suck wtih orc… Lol, never used em.
I like using Night Elf
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