Well the time has come to officially announce a kirupa wcIII b.net battle!!
If you have WCIII (and you should) let me know below if you’d be interested in participating and whether you’d prefer teams or ffa.
~ Seretha :love:
Well the time has come to officially announce a kirupa wcIII b.net battle!!
If you have WCIII (and you should) let me know below if you’d be interested in participating and whether you’d prefer teams or ffa.
~ Seretha :love:
Zug zug
playamarz :player:
I LOSE fur sure
mike - so does that mean you’re in?
Whats WCIII?
warcraft III - awesome game
I’ll play any kind, FFA, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 1v1 (even though i’m not good at it).
my s/n’s i use right now are warcow.yaway and warcow.yehweh
I’ll play any as well! My current account is: bombay.own(k) I prefer teams more than any other type though
My computer can’t run Wc3, seretha.
…Maybe if you ever decide to do a StarCraft game or Diablo 2 thing, I could join in, but other than that, I’m only on xbox.
i guess i should also be asking what time is best for all of you? Use k.s.t (kirupa standard time) as all the members will be in different time zones.
Really any time between 12p.m k.s.t and 4a.m. k.s.t is fine for me. (9am - 1am here)
Hmm - that is strange; I guess the time the boards use is fine. My AOL IM name is: kirupacom so if anybody wants to play for a while, don’t hesitate to IM me - as long as I am not doing any work, I’ll try to join…and bring Nali along as well if he is online
Kirupa =)
hmm. I think I’ll get better before I play with you guys!
You can come play some with me Mike… I suck right now… I’ve gotta learn the strategies…
So far though… I’m liking the storyline of the single player missions… I just got through the human campaign andman… It’s dramatic
playamarz :player:
I’m pretty sporatic in times… But typically after 11 pm is good for me…
playamarz is my s/n
I’m playing right now
playamarz :player:
Sigh - I just got thoroughly destroyed by nali, playa, and seretha! Cursed night elves and their dryads hehe :ninja:
That was fun, we should do it again some time. Next time, lets do teams or something.
Yeah… Sorry k-man… Got disconnected… Piece of **** net… lmao…
I can’t wait to get cable connection.
my name is um…i forgot it…
i think its mdipi
Hey playa - no worries; we won the game in the end =)
Sweet… You guys were doing all the wokr anyways… I was just building gryphs to hopefully help out then
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