*Originally posted by awligon *
**It was the second installment of a trilogy. Use your ****ing brain. Of course it’s going to be somewhat of a let-down. There’s relatively no new material, and no climax. That’s by default. You can really say what you want, but I really think people expected too much just because most other movies that came out in the mean time ****ing blew. **
way to drop the f-bomb. were you just looking for an excuse?
and really, chill out about the matrix, it’s ONLY a movie. the matrix is not real, so get over it.
I really could care less about what people think about the matrix. It’s the whole internet bandwagon philosophy among 14-20somethings that just irks me. You get some kid ripping on something that they could never do in a million years becuase of some obscure thing they heard on whyihavenolife.com and all the sudden everything sucks. Nothing constructive, no discussion, it just sucks because they’re on the big slow rolling bandwagon. Way to come out of the woodwork and call me out for ‘dropping the f bomb’. Didn’t mean to offend you if I did.
Actually, we already had a huge, very active, discussion about the matrix reloaded on these boards when it came out. the fact that it was the middle movie doesn’t matter.
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**I’m avoiding all tralers and previews like i did with reloaded. Makes every movie better. **
very true sintax.
I avoid almost all trailers if I can. It makes viewing the movie so much more enjoyable, and more like the way the writers, actors, and directors want to tell you the story, not some marketing department of a large corporation…
speaking of, where’s those red dward tailers at? haha, I’m suprised there haven’t been any plot or script leaks like there are so prominantly with other movies. Especially since this is like the number one internet fan club type movie ever. I was able to avoid all of that type stuff with 2, but I couldn’t help but watch the preview. I’ve seen both matrix 1 and 2 on the opening dates and I plan on being there for 3 on nov 15th or whenever.