/me racks his brain.
“I don’t know Phil I just don’t! Leave me alone!”
/me racks his brain.
“I don’t know Phil I just don’t! Leave me alone!”
LOL I thought I already said it was fake?
checking previous post
Yes I did. About 6 posts up I said “I don’t believe it either.”
gives the americans something to say: “I am proud because we landed on the moon first!”
As I said before, it could be fake, it may not be fake as well, until someone has hard evidence that can’t be denied by anyone or anything, then it can’t really be proven and it is just opinion.
You imperialist people have done this kinda of cheating before.
santos dumont(brazilian) was the first man to fly on a machine and he was known as the father of the aviation ever since, but the americans Wright brothers come up saying that they were the first, tsk, tsk…
that´s a shame:(
we landed in 69.
No i just can’t sse it happening in 69. There was a documentry i saw about a year ago on this subject. Some non belevers had some pretty stong evidence for reasons why id idin’t happen. I mean this evidence was soild and NASA had no way to defend themselves. They had no good answers to prove the evidence wrong.
Why do u think the Russians never wnet trough with there atempt to land on the moon back then. Becasue the reilized it was impossible at the time. In 2004 a japanese rocket will be sending out a satalite to take close pictures of the moon to study it. If the lading legs and luner rover aren’t there then I guess we have our proof that they never made it.
The Lumière Brothers were the creators of the cinematographe, but some american guy, I don´t recall his name, tryed to steal the title:(
It´s funny wile the american people have soooo much to be proud of, they insist in teach in schools that the Wright brothers was the first to fly, and this guy, that I don´t recall his name, was the creator of the cinematographe…
…among other things.
That these thiefs tryed to steal the glory doesn´t suprise me, but the schools theaching the wrong really bafles me.
Also the fact the try to claim Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone.
He was born in Scotland and raised in Canada so he is defently not an American. But i have found many text books andd even encyclopida that caim him to be american.
This site has a timeline of his life.
wile the americans have a huge national pride, to the point of placing the national heros to a divine and fool proof position always assuming that they are perfect, **we ** (brazilians) do the opposite, never remembering our heros, and always doubting the feats and the integrity of them, with a minimal national pride.
we think that the neighbour´s lawn is always greener.:*(
Also the fact the try to claim Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone.
He was born in Scotland and raised in Canada so he is defently not an American. But i have found many text books andd even encyclopida that caim him to be american.
a country built upon the multy-coloured fabric of imigrants, what in the begining was a land of the england and europe scum, evolved to a nation of many nations, with so many different countries converging to a new and better one.
Surpassing by far the (at the time of the colonization) the snobs europeans, in the bealty of a new culture that has no match.
That´s one reason I LOVE USA!=)
Actually I don’t believe that it was fake but I had this perfect proof that it was fake BUT THESE GUYS hAVE REPLACED THE PROOF WITH THIS: http://www.funny-funny-pictures.com/moon
■■■■ it! I just had it! and now it’s gone…
its no fair that syko gets all the good footers!
OMG! I haven’t even taken the time to read through this thread yet, I want to present my side on the argument now. A lot of my absent minded friends thought that man never landed on the moon because of a Fox Special Titled, July 20 1969 Conspiracy theory or something like that. I watched it too and I was extremely offended, Fox questioned man kind’s greatest fete and the number of people they convinced was astounding.
If you were convinced by that Fox special please have a look at this link before you make your final judgement.
I have always been a strong believer of science and my faith still stands, friends do not get pulled in by the infidels, theirs crazy ideas cannot fight the truth.
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